Indications ::
Suitable for all skin types, especially sensitive skin and sun burn skin
Function ::
Best known for its moisturizing and healing properties, the Aloe Vera moisturizes and softens your skin while diminishing blemishes by penetrating into injured tissues and reducing inflammation
About Aloe Vera ::
Aloe vera gel is often thought as having one specific function: cooling and helping to heal sunburns. In fact, aloe is an amazing plant with a wide ability to aid in the healing process to protect, moisturize, and even extend life. It was used in ancient times for medical purposes, and its relevancy has not diminished today. aloe's usefulness continues to grow as scientists study its properties and possible applications.
Ingredients ::
Purified water, glycerin, butylene glycol, propylene glycol, aloe extract, carbomer, betaine, triethanolamine, methylparaben, witch hazel water, allantoin, sodium pca, polysorbate 80, disodium EDTA, natto gum, sodium chondroitin sulfat,dipotassium glycyrrhizate, tocopheryl acetate, hydroxyethyl cellulose, sodium hyaluronate, perfume
适合肌肤 ::
功效 ::
芦荟中的氨基酸和复合多糖物质构成了天然保湿因素,可以 补充水分,恢复皮肤弹性和活力,镇定敏感的肌肤和被太阳 曝晒的肌肤。芦荟还含有粘蛋白成分,能调节皮肤的水分与 油分,使它们保持在平衡状态可。
关于芦荟 ::
芦荟肉蕴含75种元素与人体细胞所需物质几乎完全吻合。 含有人体必需8种胺基酸的7种,次要胺基酸12种的11 种酵素。维生素A, E, C, B 群, 矿物质达10种, 安特拉归农综合体, 皂角甘木质素、单髓和多糖等8大物质。照射紫外光会削弱 皮肤细胞抵抗力。老鼠实验证实芦荟可增强抵抗力, 并减少敏感症状逾八成半。荟肉的潺滑物质可深层清洁, 更含微量水杨酸, 有助加速死皮脱落。初步研究更发现可增加皮肤胶原和弹性 。
Suitable for all skin types, especially sensitive skin and sun burn skin
Function ::
Best known for its moisturizing and healing properties, the Aloe Vera moisturizes and softens your skin while diminishing blemishes by penetrating into injured tissues and reducing inflammation
About Aloe Vera ::
Aloe vera gel is often thought as having one specific function: cooling and helping to heal sunburns. In fact, aloe is an amazing plant with a wide ability to aid in the healing process to protect, moisturize, and even extend life. It was used in ancient times for medical purposes, and its relevancy has not diminished today. aloe's usefulness continues to grow as scientists study its properties and possible applications.
Ingredients ::
Purified water, glycerin, butylene glycol, propylene glycol, aloe extract, carbomer, betaine, triethanolamine, methylparaben, witch hazel water, allantoin, sodium pca, polysorbate 80, disodium EDTA, natto gum, sodium chondroitin sulfat,dipotassium glycyrrhizate, tocopheryl acetate, hydroxyethyl cellulose, sodium hyaluronate, perfume
适合肌肤 ::
功效 ::
关于芦荟 ::
Indications ::
Suitable for all skin types, especially for dull and uneven skin tone
Function ::
Green tea extract and lemon extract contains premium concentrated of vitamin c. It helps to improve pigmentation and dull complexion. Antioxidant in this mask helps diminish fine lines, enhance elasticity and resist the free radical.
About Lemon and Green Tea ::
Lemon contains Vitamin C which is essential to human health and beauty. It has been touted in alternative medicine as a tonic for the digestive system, immune system and the skin. The lemon acid tightens up the enlarged and clogged pores, cleanse the oily and unclean skin. Green tea extract is 20 times more antioxidant powerful than vitamin C and provides superior protection from free radical damage. This defense against free radicals is especially important for sun protection. Studies have shown that a product containing at least 5 percent green tea extract may help prevent skin cancer when applied before exposure along with sunscreen.
Ingredients ::
Purified water, glycerin, butyleneglycol, propyleneglycol, morus alba extract, lemon extract., green tea extract, carbomer, betaine, triethanolamine, methylparaben, witch hazel water, allantoin, sodium pca, polysorbate 80, disodium EDTA, natto gum, sodium chondroitin sulfat, dipotassium glycyrrhizate, tocopheryl acetate, hydroxyethyl cellulose, sodium hyaluronate, perfume
适合肌肤 ::
功效 ::
蕴含绿茶、柠檬萃取精华等,其有效植物活性成分能快速渗 入肌肤,补充肌肤流失营养,快速改善肌肤疲劳状态,使皮 肤晶莹剔透,给肌肤补充水分的同时令肌肤更有弹性。
关于柠檬和绿茶 ::
绿茶不但含有丰富的维生素C,其中的类黄酮更能增强维生 素C的抗氧化功效,这种类黄酮也是珍贵营养品——蜂胶的 主要成份,所以它对维持皮肤美白、年轻可说是有珍品级的 效果。此外,其中的儿茶素有着抗菌消炎的功效,是按抚肌 肤的极佳成分。绿茶的抗氧化作用是维他命C的20倍,它 有效保护肌肤,减少因紫外线及污染而产生的游离基。
柠檬含大量维生素C,服用或外敷都有洁净和漂白等美容功 效,还有紧肤、杀菌的作用;而中医师则认为柠檬有除斑、 除臭、促进血液循环等功效。
Suitable for all skin types, especially for dull and uneven skin tone
Function ::
Green tea extract and lemon extract contains premium concentrated of vitamin c. It helps to improve pigmentation and dull complexion. Antioxidant in this mask helps diminish fine lines, enhance elasticity and resist the free radical.
About Lemon and Green Tea ::
Lemon contains Vitamin C which is essential to human health and beauty. It has been touted in alternative medicine as a tonic for the digestive system, immune system and the skin. The lemon acid tightens up the enlarged and clogged pores, cleanse the oily and unclean skin. Green tea extract is 20 times more antioxidant powerful than vitamin C and provides superior protection from free radical damage. This defense against free radicals is especially important for sun protection. Studies have shown that a product containing at least 5 percent green tea extract may help prevent skin cancer when applied before exposure along with sunscreen.
Ingredients ::
Purified water, glycerin, butyleneglycol, propyleneglycol, morus alba extract, lemon extract., green tea extract, carbomer, betaine, triethanolamine, methylparaben, witch hazel water, allantoin, sodium pca, polysorbate 80, disodium EDTA, natto gum, sodium chondroitin sulfat, dipotassium glycyrrhizate, tocopheryl acetate, hydroxyethyl cellulose, sodium hyaluronate, perfume
适合肌肤 ::
功效 ::
关于柠檬和绿茶 ::
Indications ::
Suitable for all skin types, especially loose and dry skin
Function ::
MJ Care Caviar Essence Mask improves skin elasticity and visibly reduces wrinkles and lines with regular use.It deeply moisturize and smooth the skin, restore radiance and energize tired looking skin, and protect against free radical damage.
About Caviar ::
Caviar is the jewel of the sea which is the most luxury and vitality ocean gifts from the mother nature. It fulfills the desires of the skin cell. The precious caviar extract enrich with nourishing ingredients; it strengthens the skin cells and regeneration system, increase the energy synthesis as well as stimulates the metabolism of the skin cells which rendering a youthful and firmer appearance
Ingredients ::
Purified water,glycerin ,butylene glycol,propylene glycol, caviar extract, carbomer,betaine,shea butter, jojoba oil,triethanolamine,methyl paraben,witch hazel water,allantoin,sodium pca,sorbitan stearate 60,polysorbate 60,disodium EDTA,prophyl paraben,natto gum, sodium chondroitin sulfat,dipotassium glycyrrhizate,hydroxyethyl cellulose,tocopheryl acetate,sodium hyaluronate,perfume
适合肌肤 ::
功效 ::
独特的深海鱼子精华能迅速渗透至肌肤底层为肌肤重新注入 能量,激励细胞再生功能,重组弹性胶原纤维组织,抚平肌 肤皱纹,提高皮肤内部张力和弹性,让肌肤透出自然的亮泽 。
关于鱼子酱 ::
鱼子酱含有丰富的Omega-3脂肪酸与蛋白质、卵磷脂 、磷脂蛋白及微量元素,具有极佳的细胞再生功能。可修复 受损细胞,有助于胶原蛋白增生,抚平细纹及重整肌肤纹理 ,恢复弹性与张力。且让干燥与缺水的肌肤,吸收高功能的 营养成分,深层修复肌肤底层及老化细胞,进而强化肌肤自 我防御力与保护力,让肌肤重拾年轻时的童颜美肌。
Suitable for all skin types, especially loose and dry skin
Function ::
MJ Care Caviar Essence Mask improves skin elasticity and visibly reduces wrinkles and lines with regular use.It deeply moisturize and smooth the skin, restore radiance and energize tired looking skin, and protect against free radical damage.
About Caviar ::
Caviar is the jewel of the sea which is the most luxury and vitality ocean gifts from the mother nature. It fulfills the desires of the skin cell. The precious caviar extract enrich with nourishing ingredients; it strengthens the skin cells and regeneration system, increase the energy synthesis as well as stimulates the metabolism of the skin cells which rendering a youthful and firmer appearance
Ingredients ::
Purified water,glycerin ,butylene glycol,propylene glycol, caviar extract, carbomer,betaine,shea butter, jojoba oil,triethanolamine,methyl
适合肌肤 ::
功效 ::
关于鱼子酱 ::
Indications ::
Suitable for all skin types, especially for sensitive and sun burn skin
Function ::
Contains of cucumber extract and witch hazel water which are well known for its soothing and calming properties. It enable to accelerate skin moisture, reduce redness and leaves skin feeling soft, refreshed and perfectly hydrated.
About Cucumber ::
Cucumber is used to cool and soothe irritated skin in people with sunburns. Along with being used externally as an effective beauty ointment due to its cooling properties, cucumber is generally attributed to cucurbitin and fatty oils present in its seeds which provide a soothing effect on the body when used topically. Cucumber thus acts a refreshing and a rejuvenating element which cools and soothes the entire body.
Ingredients ::
Purified water, glycerin, butylene glycol, propylene glycol, carbomer, betaine, triethanolamine, methylparaben, witch hazel water, allantoin, arbutin , sodium pca, polysorbate 80, disodium EDTA, natto gum, sodium chondroitin sulfat, dipotassium glycyrrhizate, tocopheryl acetate, hydroxyethyl cellulose, sodium hyaluronate, perfume
适合肌肤 ::
功效 ::
关于黄瓜 ::
Indications ::
Suitable for all skin types, especially for dehydrated, aging & loose skin
Function ::
Can stimulates collagen production and replenishes collagen in the skin. Additional, it can improve the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, restores the firmness, improve skin elastic and recaptures the youthful looking contours.
About Collagen ::
Collagen, which accounts up to 75% of skin tissue, plays an essential role in maintaining skin tone, suppleness and elasticity. It helps create that smooth, firm skin and natural healthy glow we all had when we were young. Unfortunately, the production of collagen declines at a rate of 1.5% yearly after age 25. Scientists have recently discovered that the gradual degradation of collagen in the skin results in visibly dry, dull, wrinkled, and sagging skin.
Ingredients ::
Purified water, glycerin, butylene glycol, propylene glycol, carbomer, betaine, shea butter, jojoba oil, triethanolamine, hydrolizedcollagen, methyl paraben, witch hazel water, allantoin, sodium pca, sorbitan stearate 60, polysorbate 60, disodium EDTA. prophyl paraben, natto gum, sodium chondroitin sulfate,dipotassium glycyrrhizate, tocopheryl acetate, hydroxyethyl cellulose, sodium hyaluronate, perfume
适合肌肤 ::
功效 ::
每片面膜都富含天然成分所提炼的胶原精华。胶原蛋白能渗 透到皮肤的真皮层,提升肌肤的各种代谢能力,促进胶原蛋 白合成,还原受损的肌肤,改善皮肤松弛老化,皱纹等问题 ,使肌肤更紧实嫩滑,更有弹性,改善肌肤的肤色及光泽。
关于胶原蛋白 ::
胶原蛋白是维持皮肤与肌肉弹性的主要成分。但随着年龄增 加,皮肤与肌肉中的水分会减少,这是老化的开始。此时, 胶原蛋白纤维开始变为细小,弹性蛋白之弹性也会减低,真 皮层中胶原蛋白与弹性蛋白交互构成有规则的网目结构会逐 渐崩解,最后导致皱纹的生成。所以补充胶原蛋白能使皮肤 皱纹恢复弹性和紧致。
Suitable for all skin types, especially for dehydrated, aging & loose skin
Function ::
Can stimulates collagen production and replenishes collagen in the skin. Additional, it can improve the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, restores the firmness, improve skin elastic and recaptures the youthful looking contours.
About Collagen ::
Collagen, which accounts up to 75% of skin tissue, plays an essential role in maintaining skin tone, suppleness and elasticity. It helps create that smooth, firm skin and natural healthy glow we all had when we were young. Unfortunately, the production of collagen declines at a rate of 1.5% yearly after age 25. Scientists have recently discovered that the gradual degradation of collagen in the skin results in visibly dry, dull, wrinkled, and sagging skin.
Ingredients ::
Purified water, glycerin, butylene glycol, propylene glycol, carbomer, betaine, shea butter, jojoba oil, triethanolamine, hydrolizedcollagen, methyl paraben, witch hazel water, allantoin, sodium pca, sorbitan stearate 60, polysorbate 60, disodium EDTA. prophyl paraben, natto gum, sodium chondroitin sulfate,dipotassium glycyrrhizate, tocopheryl acetate, hydroxyethyl cellulose, sodium hyaluronate, perfume
适合肌肤 ::
功效 ::
关于胶原蛋白 ::
Indications ::
Suitable for all skin, especially for pigmentation,dull and uneven skin tone.
Function ::
MJ Care Arbutin Essence Mask is effective in suppressing the formation of melanin. It reduces the appearance of freckles and improve uneven skin tone as well as give your skin an immediate radiant and moisturized appearance with elasticity.
About Arbutin ::
Arbutin is a natural skin lightening/whitening agent. It works by slowly releasing hydroquinone through hydrolysis, which in turn blocks Tyrosinase activity and reduces the skin’s melanin (pigmentation) production.
Ingredients ::
Purified water, glycerin, butylene glycol, propylene glycol, carbomer, betaine, triethanolamine, methyl paraben, witch hazel water, allantoin, arbutin, sodium pca, polysorbate 80, disodium EDTA, natto gum, sodium chondroitin sulfat, dipotassium glycyrrhizate, tocopheryl acetate, hydroxyethyl cellulose, sodium hyaluronate, perfume
适合肌肤 ::
功效 ::
关于熊果素 ::
Indications ::
Suitable for all skin, especially for aging,dull and uneven skin tone.
Function ::
The antioxidative qualities of acerola make it an ideal ingredient in MJ Care acerola essence mask to fight cellular aging and wrinkle. The high amount of Vitamin C in the extract effectively improves skin tone and skin texture while promote a glowing and youthful complexion.
About Acerola ::
Acerola naturally throughout the lower part of North America, including Texas and Mexico, and through parts of South America and the Caribbean. The fruit itself is said to have a unique blend of sweet and sour tastes much like other citrus fruits, such as the grapefruit and the orange. Acerola has very high levels of Vitamin C. One study showed that these berries have 32 times as much of the vitamin as do oranges.
Ingredients ::
Purified water, glycerin, butylene glycol, propylene glycol, acerola extract, carbomer, betaine,sharebutter, jojoba oil, triethanolamine, methylparaben, witch hazel water, allantoin, sodium pca, sorbitan stearate 60, polysorbate 60, disodium EDTA ,prophylparaben,natto gum, sodium chondroitin sulfat, dipotassium glycyrrhizate, hydroxyethyl cellulose, tocopheryl acetate, sodium hyaluronate, perfume
适合肌肤 ::
功效 ::
关于西印度櫻桃 ::
Indications ::
Suitable for all skin types, especially oily, acne and dull skin
Function ::
MJ Care Charcoal Essence Mask absorbs environmental toxins from deep inside the skin. It is effective in removing stubborn impurities & dead skin cells, absorbs excess oil and regulates oil production for a fresh, shine-free complexion. Simultaneously, it improves the appearance of acne, pores and affable the wound.
About Charcoal ::
Bamboo charcoal has countless small cavities. Compared with wood charcoal, bamboo charcoal has about four times more cavities, 3 times more mineral constituent and 4 times better absorption rate. In terms of surface area, bamboo charcoal's 300m2/gram is 10 ten times more than wood charcoal's 30m2/gram. Bamboo charcoal absorbs odors, can purify water, and has many health and beauty benefits for your skin. Most places that sell health and beauty items now offer products with active bamboo charcoal in the ingredients.
Ingredients ::
Purified water, glycerin, butylene glycol,propylene glycol,charcoal extract, carbomer, betaine, shea butter, jojoba oil,triethanolamin,methyl paraben,witch hazel water,allantoin,sodium pca,sorbitan stearate 60,polysorbate 60,disodium EDTA,prophyl paraben,natto gum,sodium chondroitin sulfat,dipotassium glycyrrhizate,hydroxyethyl
适合肌肤 ::
功效 ::
关于竹炭 ::
Ingredients ::
Purified water, glycerin, butylene glycol, propylene glycol, human oligopeptide-1, carbomer, betaine, shea butter, jojoba oil, triethanolamine, methylparaben, witch hazel water, allantoin ,sodium pca ,sorbitan stearate 60, polysorbate 60, disodium EDTA, prophylparaben, natto gum, sodium chondroitin sulfat ,dipotassium glycyrrhizate, hydroxyethyl cellulose, tocopheryl acetate, sodium hyaluronate, perfume
适合肌肤 ::
功效 ::
关于EGF ::
一九八六年美国科学家Stanley Cohen博士发现了EGF(epidermal growth factor )的存在,为细胞研究开辟了一个具有广泛重要性的新领域
Indications ::
Suitable for all skin types, especially sensitive and tired skin
Function ::
MJ Care Chlorella Essence Mask contains chlorella extract integrated formula to help nourishing the skin, calm sensitive skin and let the skin become more radiant and glossy.
About Chlorella ::
Chlorella is a genus of single-celled green algae, belonging to the phylum Chlorophyta. It is spherical in shape, about 2 to 10 μm in diameter, and is withoutflagella. Green micro-algae are rich in proteins, mainly in the amino acids that constitute the dermis fibres and the expressed specific proteins that produce antioxidant activity.
Ingredients ::
Purified water, glycerin, butylene glycol,propylene glycol, chlorella extract, carbomer, betaine, triethanolamine, methylparaben, witch hazel water, allantoin, sodium pca, polysorbate 80, disodium EDTA, natto gum, sodium chondroitin sulfat, dipotassium glycyrrhizate,hydroxyethyl
适合肌肤 ::
功效 ::
MJ Care小球藻面膜含有各种丰富的维他命,赐予肌肤生气
关于小球藻 ::
Indications ::
Suitable for all skin, especially for oily and acne skin
Function ::
MJ Care Herb Essence mask is formulated to assist the healing process, control excess oils, dry up pimples, control blackheads and whiteheads and eliminates impurities. It also work excellent in restores skin vitality, soothing and calming the skin.
About Wormwood ::
Wormwood is a native of the Mediterranean region. It is noted for its various health benefits. Ancient Greeks believed that wormwood is a natural antidote for hemlock, mushroom and sea dragon poison. The Bedouins used this leaves of wormwood to cure cold and coughs. Modern researches have discovered that the plant chemicals present in wormwood is packed with anti-parasitic, antiseptic, antipyretic and anti-diarrheic properties. Different parts of this plant, including leaves, fruits and flowering tops, are used for curing various ailments.
Ingredients ::
Purified water, glycerin, butylene glycol, propylene glycol, herb extract, carbomer, betaine, shea butter, jojoba oil, triethanolamine, methylparaben, witch hazel water, allantoin, sodium pca, sorbitan stearate 60, polysorbate 60, disodium EDTA, prophylparaben, natto gum, sodium chondroitin sulfat, dipotassium glycerizate, hydroxyethyl cellulose, tocoferil acetate, sodium hyluronate, perfume
适合肌肤 ::
功效 ::
MJ Care草本面膜具净化及抗菌效能,深层清洁毛孔污垢,
关于艾草 ::
Indications ::
Suitable for all skin types, especially sensitive and dry skin
Function ::
A rich, deeply moisturising and nourishing mask designed to instantly quench dry skin. It relieves sensibility, redness and restore measles skin as normal
About Jasmine ::
For centuries, jasmine is cultivated for its ornamental red, yellow or white flowers. You can find over 200 species of jasmine in different parts of the world. The jasmine plants thrive in the tropical and subtropical weather conditions. Jasmine flowers are noted not only for their beauty and for fragnance, but they also have medical properties. Jasmine Flowers are largely consumed in the form of tea. Oil extracted from jasmine flower are used for treating several illnesses.
Ingredients ::
Purified water, glycerin, butylene glycol, propylene glycol, jasmine extract, carbomer, betaine, shea butter, jojoba oil, triethanolamine, methylparaben, witch hazel water, allantoin, sodium pca, sorbitan stearate 60, polysorbate 60, disodium EDTA, prophyl paraben, natto gum, sodium chondroitin sulfat, dipotassium glycyrrhizate, hydroxyethyl cellulose, tocopheryl acetate, sodium hyaluronate, perfume
适合肌肤 ::
功效 ::
MJ Care 茉莉花精华面膜能够快速渗透肌肤深层,补水养颜,增强皮
关于茉莉花 ::
Indications ::
Suitable for all skin types, especially for dull & loose skin
Function ::
Pearl is used by the Chinese Emperors and Empresses to preserve youthful skin and anti wrinkle. MJ Care Pearl Essence Mask structured with plenty of tiny holes, it enhances absorption of nourishment, leaving skin moisturized. It enable the yellowish skin to posses a natural glossy appearance.
About Pearl ::
Pearl powder is a finely milled powder from quality freshwater pearls and its naturally compatible and easily absorbed by the skin and body. The medicinal and beauty benefits of pearls have long been known to the Chinese, proven non-toxic and harmless to ingest and apply topically to skin. It actually clears away toxic materials from the body. Amino acids contained in pearl powder include: Amino Acids, Aspartic Acid, Thronine, Isoleucine, Serine, Alanine, Phenylanine, Arginine, Methionine, Lysine, and Glutamic Acid, mucopolysaccharides, B-vitamins and a wide range of minerals including calcium, magnesium, zinc, iron, strontium, copper, selenium, strontium, silicon and titanium. Pearl contains calcium carbonate, magnesium carbonate, calcium phosphate, ferric oxide, silica. These essential building blocks of collagen and protein each have a specific function. Lacking any one of the key amino acids causes the skin to look dried, wane, depleted, old and wrinkled. Researchers claim that various components of pearl can stimulate the metabolism's activities of the genetic material in a cell - the DNA and RNA - thus promotes and accelerates the regeneration of new cells.
Ingredients ::
Purified water,glycerin,butylene glycol,propylene glycol, pearl extract, carbomer, betaine, triethanolamine, methylparaben, witch hazel water, allantoin, sodium pca, polysorbate 80, disodium EDTA, natto gum, sodium chondroitin sulfat, dipotassium glycyrrhizate, tocopheryl acetate, hydroxyethyl cellulose, sodium hyaluronate,perfume
Indications ::
Suitable for all skin types, especially dry, pigmentation, dull and loose skin
Function ::
Pomegranate contains ellagic acid that is extremely effective in increasing body’s own antioxidant glutathione. The antioxidants in pomegranate help prevent skin damage and wrinkle. It provides continuous moisturization and suppresses the formation of blemishes and dark spots, making skin look clear and radiant.
About Pomegranate ::
Pomegranates have been cultivated for over 5000 years and thought to be native to Iran. They are the fruit of a small, bushy tree and generally the size of an orange with over 500 juicy seed casings (arils) in each. Nutritionally pomegranates are an excellent source of vitamin C (one fruit has 40% of daily requirement), a good source of fiber, iron, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, potassium, with modest amounts of vitamins A, riboflavin, thiamine, niacin and folate. They are low in calories with a a sugar content of around 15%. They are extremely high in antioxidants, far higher than oranges, blueberries, cranberries, green tea and red wine and which fight the free radicals in our bodies. This is due to their content of polyphenols, a potent form of antioxidant. They are punicalagin, a hydrolyzable tannin, found only in pomegranates, which breaks down to ellagic acid a naturally occurring phenolic compound phytochemical and anthocyanins which give pomegranates their bright red color a well as adding to the high level of antioxidants.
Ingredients ::
Purified water, glycerin, butylene glycol, propylene glycol, pomegranate extract, carbomer, betaine, triethanolamine, methylparaben, witch hazel water, allantoin, sodium pca, polysorbate 80, disodium EDTA, natto gum, sodium chondroitin sulfat,dipotassium glycyrrhizate, hydroxyethyl cellulose, tocopheryl acetate, sodium hyaluronate, perfume
适合肌肤 ::
功效 ::
MJ Care 石榴精华面膜含有天然红石榴萃取精华,能恢复肌肤弹性,
关于石榴 ::
Indications ::
Suitable for all skin types, especially for dehydrated & aging skin
Function ::
MJ Care Royal Jelly Essence Mask can restore healthy skin and help visibly diminishes fine lines and wrinkles.The honey extracts could soften the skin and is excellent in helping to increase your skins moisture holding capacity. Additional, it helps to keep skin healthy looking and elastic.
About Royal Jelly ::
In ancient Egypt, Royal Jelly was entombed with the Pharaoh to keep him beautiful in the afterlife. This milky age defier, is a secretion of worker bees that is fit for a queen. In fact, it is the only food source for the queen bee. Rich in vitamins A, B, C, D, E and K, calcium, copper, iron, phosphorus, potassium, silicon and sulfur, 18 amino acids, protein, enzymes and nucleic acids (DNA and RNA), royal jelly may just be the fountain of youth that Ponce de Leon never found.
Ingredients ::
Purified water, glycerin, butylene glycol,propylene glycol,royal jelly extract, carbomer, betaine ,shea butter, jojoba oil, triethanolamine,methylpara
适合肌肤 ::
功效 ::
关于蜂王漿 ::
Indications ::
Suitable for all skin types
Function ::
Rice bran extracts, known to be powerful anti-oxidant help protect skin from UV rays and toxins. It is a brightening mask that improves skin tone with fairness. At the same time, it supplies skin with suppleness and soothes skin dehydration.
About Rice Bran ::
Rice Bran is a natural source for the following antioxidants: Tocopherols, Tocotrienols, Gamma Oryzanol, Phytosterols, Polyphenols and Squalene. Antioxidants of course help fight free radicals and aid in slowing down the effects of aging.
Ingredients ::
Purified water, glycerin, butylene glycol, propylene glycol, rice bran extract, carbomer, betaine, triethanolamine, methylparaben, witch hazel water, allantoin, sodium pca, polysorbate 80, disodium EDTA, natto gum, sodium chondroitin sulfat, dipotassium glycyrrhizate, tocopheryl acetate, hydroxyethyl cellulose, sodium hyaluronate, perfume
适合肌肤 ::
功效 ::
关于米糠 ::
Indications ::
Suitable for all skin types, especially loose skin
Function ::
Red Ginseng Essence Mask is excellent in anti-oxidation effect. It restores skin tone and suppleness so skin appears glossyand more radiant. Additional, it prevents cell damage from radiation and increases skin vitality.
About Red Ginseng ::
It has been long known that red ginseng has a range of bioactive attributes. It contains different ginsenosides, which are thought to have effective anti-aging and antioxidant characteristic.
According to a recent research, red ginseng can decrease facial wrinkles as well as “photoaged” skin. Photoaged is damage caused to the skin because of over exposure of sunlight. It has been found that Torilus Fructus and Corni Fructus, which is a component from extracted red ginseng, can reduce and rectify premature skin. It enhances collagen synthesis in human skin and thereby removes facial wrinkles.
Ingredients ::
Purified water, glycerin, butylene glycol, propylene glycol, red ginseng extract, carbomer, betaine, triethanolamine, methylparaben, witch hazel water, allantoin,sodium pca, polysorbate 80, disodium EDTA ,natto gum, sodium chondroitin sulfat, dipotassium glycyrrhizate, hydroxyethyl cellulose, tocopheryl acetate, sodium hyaluronate,perfume
适合肌肤 ::
功效 ::
关于人蔘 ::
Indications ::
Suitable for all skin, especially for skin that having big pore problem
Function ::
This mask is made to boost up the skin immune system and provide moisturization. The rasberry contains a lot of vitamin c which acts as an antioxidant, fight free radicals, replenish and revitalize your skin.
About Raspberry ::
Red raspberries are bramble fruits belonging to family Rosaceae. The raspberry roots are perennial and forms erect stems, covered with fine prickles. Red raspberries are a very nutritious fruit: they not only have a great taste, but also a very high content in health-promoting phytonutrients such as ellagic acid and anthocyanins, as well as high quantities of antioxidants and dietary fiber.
Ingredients ::
Purified water, glycerin, butylene glycol, propylene glycol, rasberry extract, carbomer, betaine,shea butter, jojoba oil, triethanolamine, methylparaben, witch hazel water, allantoin, sodium pca, sorbitan stearate 60, polysorbate 60, disodium EDTA ,prophylparaben,natto gum, sodium chondroitin sulfat, dipotassium glycyrrhizate, hydroxyethyl cellulose, tocopheryl acetate, sodium hyaluronate, perfume
适合肌肤 ::
功效 ::
关于覆盆子 ::
覆盆子(学名:Rubus idaeus)是一种蔷薇科悬钩子属的木本植物,是一种
Indications ::
Suitable for all skin types, especially dehydrated skin
Function ::
Seaweed mask nourishes, protects, and increases circulation making it vital to maintaining healthy skin. It able to enhance the epidermis nourishing effects, improve dryness and skin flaking phenomena
About Seaweed ::
Seaweed is packed with vitamins, minerals, trace elements, and amino acids that are essential in maintaining healthy and youthful skin. This natural marine wonder helps slow the aging skin process while protecting it from the harsh environmental elements in the air and water. Essential vitamins include: A1, B1, B2, B6, B12, C, E, K, pantothenic acid, folic acid, and niacin. As well as being rich with antioxidants such as beta-carotene and over 60 trace elements that include potassium, calcium, iodine, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, zinc and manganese, seaweed is a major source of B12. Selenium and ascorbic acid protects the skin from damaging free radicals. Organic Iodine found in seaweed increases metabolism. Seaweed also contains fatty acids to combat skin irritation and inflammation.
Ingredients ::
Purified water, glycerin, butylene glycol,propylene glycol, brown algae extract, carbomer, betaine, triethanolamine, methyl paraben, witch hazel water, allantoin, sodium pca, polysorbate 80, disodium EDTA, natto gum, sodium chondroitin sulfat, dipotassium glycyrrhizate, tocopheryl acetate, hydroxyethyl cellulose, sodium hyaluronate, perfume
适合肌肤 ::
功效 ::
MJ Care小球藻面膜含有各种丰富的维他命,赐予肌肤生气
关于小球藻 ::
Indications ::
Suitable for all skin types, especially for dull skin
Function ::
Yellow Ocher is famous in deep cleasing of the skin because it contains negative ion. It also effective in the effect of anti-oxidant. Additional, this mask Works to help reduce dark/age spots and uneven skin tone. It is very suitable for OL and who always facing computer.
About Loess (Yellow Ocher) ::
Loess has the effect of anti-oxidant; reduce heat, metabolisms and relaxation. Loess can be found at 25 to 45 pei wei, the place whereby its loess is at the best temperature and best humidity. Korean pure ginseng is also grown in this loess that full of minerals. Loess has five colours; pure, green, black, white and yellow. Among these, pure loess is at the highest range and it is the best grade. Hence, loess contains the infrared and negative ion. Negative Ion can bring out the positive ion dirt from our skin and infrared can activate the skin, anti aging and brighten up your face.
Ingredients ::
Purified water, glycerin, butylene glycol, propylene glycol, loess extract, carbomer, betaine, shea butter, jojoba oil, triethanolamine, methylparaben, witch hazel water, allantoin, sodium pca, sorbitan stearate 60, polysorbate 60, disodium EDTA, prophyl paraben, natto gum, sodium chondroitin sulfat,dipotassium glycyrrhizate, tocopheryl acetate, hydroxyethyl cellulose, sodium hyaluronate, perfume
适合肌肤 ::
功效 ::
关于黄土 ::
RM38 - Aurasis 30 Seconds Moisture Soft Masque
Specially formulated for dry and damaged hair, contain pro-vitamin B5 and Hydrolyzed Wheat Protein to penetrate into hair shaft, make hair elasticity and easy to comb. Provide extra moist and strength to hair, make hair look shine and smooth.
Apply to wet hair and work into lather. Rinse and reapply if necessary
Deionized Water, Cetyl Alcohol, Cetearyl Alcohol, Cetrimonium Chloride, Glyceryl Stearate, Cyclomethicone, Dimethiconol, TEA Dodecylbenzenesulfonate, Behentrimonium Chloride, C12-15 Alkyl Benzoate, Glycerin, Hydrolyzed Wheat Protein, Fragrance, Panthenol, Polyquaternium 10, Methylchloroisothiazolinon e, Methylisothiazolinone
Size : 280 ml
发膜,是秀发的全面营养品,比护发素的基础护理功能更专 业而有效。Aurasis 30 Seconds Moisture Soft Masque特别针对受损发质,修护发丝表面损伤并形成 保护层,呈令秀发顺滑柔润,焕发健康光泽。
洗发后,取适量久润修护发膜,以受损处为重点均匀涂抹在 整个头发上,轻柔梳理秀发,等待5分钟左右然后用清水冲 洗干净。(即使立刻冲洗,也有明显效果,建议每周使用1 ~2次即可。
RM42 - Aurasis Essential Leave in Spray Specially formulated for dry and damaged hair, contain pro-vitamin B5 and Hydrolyzed Wheat Protein to penetrate into hair shaft, make hair elasticity and easy to comb. Provide extra moist and strength to hair, make hair look shine and smooth.
Apply to wet hair and work into lather. Rinse and reapply if necessary
Deionized Water, Cetyl Alcohol, Cetearyl Alcohol, Cetrimonium Chloride, Glyceryl Stearate, Cyclomethicone, Dimethiconol, TEA Dodecylbenzenesulfonate, Behentrimonium Chloride, C12-15 Alkyl Benzoate, Glycerin, Hydrolyzed Wheat Protein, Fragrance, Panthenol, Polyquaternium 10, Methylchloroisothiazolinon
Size : 280 ml
A light supreme hair protector that delivers moisture, nourishment and detangling benefits while protecting the hair during heat styling and from sun damage. The formula is enriched with Keratin, Silk Amino Acids that add the vital nourishment and moisture for hair to restore its stylish, silky smooth texture and brilliance
Ultimate blow-drying spray for damaged and straightened hair. Use on damp hair, spray section by section from lengths to ends.
Deionized water, Polyguaternium-39, PEG-40, Hydrogentenated Castor Oil, Panthenol, Dimenthicone Copolyol, Dimethicone, Fragnance, Tocopheryl Acetate, Benzophenone-4, Citric Acid, Methylchloroisothiazolinon
Size : 250 ml
RM35 - Aurasis Energy Treatment Cream
An intensive conditioning treatment with an active combination of silk, protein and keratin to nourish, strengthen and moisture hair. Silk smooth & pro-long lasting. Suitable for all hair types
After shampoo, towels dried and generously dispense cream evenly onto hair. Leave 10 minutes under hat steamer or wrap with hot towel. Maximizes feeling of relaxation while hair is straighten out with silk-smooth and long lasting results. Rinse throughly and style as usual
Methyl Paraben, Cetrimonium Chloride, Citric Acid, Polyquaternium-16, Fragrance, Mineral Oil, Deiomized Water, Dimethicone and Trideceth-5, Olive Oil, Polyquaternium-32, Cetyl Alcohol, Behentrimonium Chloride, Menthol, Isopropyl Myristate, Propylene Glycol Dicaprylate/Dicaprate, Methylchloroisothiazolinon
Size: 500ml
Aurasis Energy Treatment Cream内含全新蛋白与蚕丝精华组合,蘊含多种天然草
RM30 - Aurasis Crystal Repair Serum
This Ultra luxurious beauty fluid leaves your hair invigorated, silky soft, shinny and very strokeable! Excellent for necessary rehydration of bleached or chemically treated hair. Brilliant, deep moisturizing chemo-prophylactic and anti-bacterial properties condition your hair like you condition your skin. It improves hair condition by strengthen and restoring elasticity to dry, over styled or damaged hair creating incredible shine and manageability.
Shampoo hair and blow dry. Pump out a small amount of intensive serum in your hand, rub hands together and apply to hair. Brush it well. Use after perming or colouring.
Cyclomethicone, Dimethiconol, Phenyltrimethicone, Cyclopentasiloxane, Dimethiicone, C12-15 Alkyl Benzoate, Fragrance, Octyl Methoxycinnamate
Size : 120 ml
Aurasis Crystal Repair Serum拥有浓缩的精华液,能让你的头发丝绸般柔软, 充满活力与亮泽!专为烫/染后受损发质设计,针对头发受 损处进行滋润修护的独特配方,深入渗透到受损头发内部, 修复表皮层和开叉的发尾,使经过染烫等化学处理的头发恢 复平顺并防止头发内蛋白质与水分的流失
吹干头发后,倒一些Crystal Repair Serum在手掌里,然后轻轻按摩使其渗透至发根,不需 冲洗
This Ultra luxurious beauty fluid leaves your hair invigorated, silky soft, shinny and very strokeable! Excellent for necessary rehydration of bleached or chemically treated hair. Brilliant, deep moisturizing chemo-prophylactic and anti-bacterial properties condition your hair like you condition your skin. It improves hair condition by strengthen and restoring elasticity to dry, over styled or damaged hair creating incredible shine and manageability.
Shampoo hair and blow dry. Pump out a small amount of intensive serum in your hand, rub hands together and apply to hair. Brush it well. Use after perming or colouring.
Cyclomethicone, Dimethiconol, Phenyltrimethicone, Cyclopentasiloxane, Dimethiicone, C12-15 Alkyl Benzoate, Fragrance, Octyl Methoxycinnamate
Size : 120 ml
Aurasis Crystal Repair Serum拥有浓缩的精华液,能让你的头发丝绸般柔软,
吹干头发后,倒一些Crystal Repair Serum在手掌里,然后轻轻按摩使其渗透至发根,不需
RM58 - Aurasis Cool Energy Treatment Cream
Cool conditioning treatment. An intensive conditioning treatment with an active combination of silk, protein and keratin to nourish, strengthen and moisture hair. Hair has increased softness, added shine and is easier to comb. Suitable for all hair types
After shampoo, towels dried and generously dispense cream evenly onto hair. Leave 10 minutes under hat steamer or wrap with hot towel. Maximizes feeling of relaxation while hair is straighten out with silk-smooth and long lasting results. Rinse throughly and style as usual
Methyl Paraben, Cetrimonium Chloride, Citric Acid, Polyquaternium-16, Fragrance, Mineral Oil, Deiomized Water, Dimethicone and Trideceth-5, Olive Oil, Polyquaternium-32, Cetyl Alcohol, Behentrimonium Chloride, Menthol, Isopropyl Myristate, Propylene Glycol Dicaprylate/Dicaprate, Methylchloroisothiazolinon e, Methylisothiazolinone
Size : 500 ml
Aurasis Cool Energy Treatment Cream内含全新蛋白与蚕丝精华组合,蘊含多种天然草 本提取精华以及天然活性离子,深层滋润,修护毛鳞片,强 健秀发。能加强电发,漂染后的弹性及光泽,加倍滋润发杆 所需水份,使秀发不打结,易于梳理,柔亮健康。
首先,把头发彻底洗净;其次,略微擦头发干后,把Aur asis Cool Energy Treatment Cream均匀地抹在头发上。此时切忌让Treatme nt Cream直接接触头皮,最好在距离发根5厘米处涂抹; 然后用保鲜膜或者浴帽包裹头发5-10分钟;最后,彻底 清洗干净。
Cool conditioning treatment. An intensive conditioning treatment with an active combination of silk, protein and keratin to nourish, strengthen and moisture hair. Hair has increased softness, added shine and is easier to comb. Suitable for all hair types
After shampoo, towels dried and generously dispense cream evenly onto hair. Leave 10 minutes under hat steamer or wrap with hot towel. Maximizes feeling of relaxation while hair is straighten out with silk-smooth and long lasting results. Rinse throughly and style as usual
Methyl Paraben, Cetrimonium Chloride, Citric Acid, Polyquaternium-16, Fragrance, Mineral Oil, Deiomized Water, Dimethicone and Trideceth-5, Olive Oil, Polyquaternium-32, Cetyl Alcohol, Behentrimonium Chloride, Menthol, Isopropyl Myristate, Propylene Glycol Dicaprylate/Dicaprate, Methylchloroisothiazolinon
Size : 500 ml
Aurasis Cool Energy Treatment Cream内含全新蛋白与蚕丝精华组合,蘊含多种天然草
RM38 - Aurasis Essential Oil
Essential oil is an exclusive dual-polymer technology that deeply penetrates porous hair ends and prevent new ones from forming. It ensures maximum protection and reconstruction from the cortex, locks in moisture, seals the cuticle and delivers smoothness to the hair. Hair is left shinny, strong and in a healthy manageable state.
Pump out a small amount of essential oil onto a palm of your hand. Gently apply and massage onto hair thoroughly the end.
Cyclomethicone, Dimethiconol, Phenyltrimethicone, Cyclopentasiloxane, Dimethiicone, C12-15 Alkyl Benzoate, Fragrance, Octyle Methoxycinnamate
Size : 120 ml
Aurasis Essential Oil运用新渗透技术,自内而外滋养发丝。它能修护头发
吹干头发后,倒一些Essential Oil在手掌里,然后轻轻按摩使其渗透至发根,不需冲洗
RM32 - Aurasis Hair Loss & Anti Dandruff Shampoo
Special treatment shampoo help to strengthen the hair shaft and preserves scalp equilibrium to limit the risk of hair thinning by regularizing and normalizing action. Enriched with Hydrolyzed Soy Protein and Natural Plant Extract.
Apply to wet hair and work into lather. Rinse and reapply if necessary
Deionized Water, Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Cocamidopropyl Betaine, Cocamide DEA, Sodium Cocoamphoacetate, Glycol Stearate, Fragrance, Carbomer, Guar Hydroxpropyl Trimonium Chloride, Yoghurt Extract, Hydrolyzed Soy Protein, Hydrolyzed Keratin, Nettle (Urtica dioica) Extract, Arnica (Arnica Montana) Extract, Sage (Salvia officinalis) Extract, Watercress (Nasturtium Officinale) Extract, Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) Extract, Triethanolamide, Panthenol, Methylchloroisothiazolinon
Size : 280 ml
RM32 - Aurasis Hair Treatment Shampoo
Enriched with Aloe Vera Extract to penetrate, replenish, moisture and soften the hair. Specially formulated for coloured, permed & damaged hair
Apply to wet hair and work into lather. Rinse and reapply if necessary
Deionized Water, Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Cocamidopropyl Betaine, Cocamide DEA, Dimethiconol, TEA Dodecylbenzenesulfonate, PEG-7 Glyceryl Cocoate, Fragrance, Polyquaternium-10, Acrylates/C 10-30 Alkyl Acrylate Crosspolymer, Triethanolamide, Guar Hydroxpropyl Trimonium Chloride, Glycerin, Citric Acid, Aloe Vera Extract, Panthenol, Methylchloroisothiazolinon
Size : 280 ml
RM100 - Aurasis Enriched Treatment Essence Ampoule
A unique long lasting treatment essence enriched with Phylderm Vegetal C. Its concentrate natural plant extract repair damaged and colored hair, forms a microfilm around each strand of hair, and replenish loosen moisture to the hair. Leave hair instantly soft, eliminates tangles and improve hair smoothness
After shampooing with cleansing shampoo, towel dried hair. Apply entire contents of 1 vial Treatment Essence ampoule onto your hair. Leave in for 3-5 minutes, rinse throughly with warm water. Style hair as desired.
Deionized water, ethanol, Sodium PCA, Hydroxyethyl Urea, PEG-40 Hydrogenated Castor Oil, Propylene Glycol, Gragrance, Green Tea Extract, Aloe Vera Extract, Allantoin, Panthenol, Menthol, Benzophenone-4, Tetrasodium EDTA, Methylchloroisothiazolinon
Size : 12 ampoules x 12 ml
RM58 - Aurasis Intensive Control Hair Tonic
Intensive Control Hair Tonic is an intensive booster designed to improve excessively thin-looking hair areas throughout the scalp and low density hairlines. Botanical extract improve blood circulation and energizes the scalp to relieve scalp tension
Cleanse hair with Aurasis Shampoo. Towel dry hair and scalp. Apply a generous amount of hair tonic onto scalp, massage gently for 2 minutes. Style as usual. Use twice a day
Deionized Water, Denatured Alcohol, Propylene Glycol, Ginseng Extract, Nettle Extract, Arnica Extract, Sage Extract, Watercress Extract, Rosemary Extract, PEG-40 Hydrogenated, Castor Oil, Henna Extract, Panthenol, Menthol, Dimethicone Copolyol, Fragrance, Benzyl Alcohol, Methylchloroisothiazolinon
Size : 100 ml
Set 2 Aurasis Dry Hair Therapy Set - RM70
Aurasis Silk Revival Shampoo (Normal Price : RM 32)
Specially formulated for perm and dry hair, contain Hydrolyzed Wheat Protein to give nutrient to hair, make hair look healthier. Provitamin B5 help to replenish moisture, make hair shine, easy to comb and manageable
Aurasis pH Balance Conditioner (Normal Price : RM 32)
pH Balance Conditioner maintains optimum moisture balance, instantly detangles and eliminates static without built up. Hair is radiant with increased body and manageability. It helps to prevent moisture loss on dehydrated hair while restoring resiliency and shine, leaving hair healthy and protecting against cuticle damage.
Aurasis Essential Leave In Spray (Normal Price : RM 42)
A light supreme hair protector that delivers moisture, nourishment and detangling benefits while protecting the hair during heat styling and from sun damage. The formula is enriched with Keratin, Silk Amino Acids that add the vital nourishment and moisture for hair to restore its stylish, silky smooth texture and brilliance
Aurasis Silk Revival Shampoo (Normal Price : RM 32)
Aurasis pH Balance Conditioner (Normal Price : RM 32)
Aurasis pH Balance Conditioner 有效锁住并补充头发中的所需水份。它有助于消除静电及强
Aurasis Essential Leave In Spray (Normal Price : RM 42)
Set 1 Coloured Hair Therapy Set - RM70
Aurasis Hair Treatment Shampoo (Normal Price : RM 32)
Enriched with Aloe Vera Extract to penetrate, replenish, moisture and soften the hair. Specially formulated for coloured, permed & damaged hair
Aurasis pH Balance Conditioner (Normal Price : RM 32)
pH Balance Conditioner maintains optimum moisture balance, instantly detangles and eliminates static without built up. Hair is radiant with increased body and manageability. It helps to prevent moisture loss on dehydrated hair while restoring resiliency and shine, leaving hair healthy and protecting against cuticle damage.
Aurasis Energy Treatment Cream (Normal Price : RM 42)Set 1 Coloured Hair Therapy Set
RM32 - Aurasis pH Balance Conditioner
pH Balance Conditioner maintains optimum moisture balance, instantly detangles and eliminates static without built up. Hair is radiant with increased body and manageability. It helps to prevent moisture loss on dehydrated hair while restoring resiliency and shine, leaving hair healthy and protecting against cuticle damage.
Apply a generous amount to damp hair and leave for 1 minute. Rinse thoroughly.
Deionized Water, Cetrimoinium Chloride, Cetyl Alcohol, Cyclomenthicone, Cetearyl Alcohol, Amodimethicone, Glyceryl Stearate, Polyquaternium 11, Behentrimonium Chloride, Hydrolyzed Wheat Protein, Panthenol, Polyquaternium 10, Glycerin, Lactic Acid, Methylchloroisothiazolinon
Size : 280 ml
Aurasis pH Balance Conditioner 有效锁住并补充头发中的所需水份。它有助于消除静电及强
洗发后,将头发轻轻弄干,然后取出适量Aurasis pH Balance Conditioner,轻轻按摩头发,待数分钟后用水
RM65 - Aurasis Optimizer Treatment Cream
Aurasis Optimizer Treatment is specially formulated with the latest hair treatment technology moisturizes dry and overstressed hair. Enriched with hydrolyzed soy protein & hydrogenated jojoba oil to create soft & beautiful hair with sufficient nutrition to your hair. Leave hair instantly soft, eliminates tangles, improve hair smoothness and shine.
After shampoo, towels dried and generously dispense cream evenly onto hair. Leave 10 minutes under hat steamer or wrap with hot towel. Maximizes feeling of relaxation while hair is straighten out with silk-smooth and long lasting results. Rinse throughly and style as usual
Deionized Water, Cetyl Alcohol, Cetearyl Alcohol, Cyclomethicone, Cetrimonium Chloride, Behentrimonium Chloride, Isopropyl Palmitate, Amodimethicone, Fragrance, Hydrolyzed Soy Protein, Hydrogenated Jojoba Oil, Panthenol, Methylchloroisothiazolinon
Size : 500 ml
Aurasis Optimizer Treatment Cream是特别配制的最新护发配方以滋润干性及损坏的
Set 3 Aurasis Split Ends Therapy Set - RM70
Aurasis Hair Treatment Shampoo (Normal Price : RM 32)
Enriched with Aloe Vera Extract to penetrate, replenish, moisture and soften the hair. Specially formulated for coloured, permed & damaged hair
Aurasis pH Balance Conditioner (Normal Price : RM 32)
pH Balance Conditioner maintains optimum moisture balance, instantly detangles and eliminates static without built up. Hair is radiant with increased body and manageability. It helps to prevent moisture loss on dehydrated hair while restoring resiliency and shine, leaving hair healthy and protecting against cuticle damage.
Aurasis Essential Oil (Normal Price : RM 38)
Essential oil is an exclusive dual-polymer technology that deeply penetrates porous hair ends and prevent new ones from forming. It ensures maximum protection and reconstruction from the cortex, locks in moisture, seals the cuticle and delivers smoothness to the hair. Hair is left shinny, strong and in a healthy manageable state.
Aurasis Hair Treatment Shampoo (Normal Price : RM 32)
Aurasis pH Balance Conditioner (Normal Price : RM 32)
Aurasis pH Balance Conditioner 有效锁住并补充头发中的所需水份。它有助于消除静电及强
Aurasis Essential Oil (Normal Price : RM 38)
Aurasis Essential Oil运用新渗透技术,自内而外滋养发丝。它能修护头发
Set 4 Aurasis Oily Hair Therapy Set - RM70
Aurasis Hair Loss & Anti Dandruff Shampoo (Normal Price : RM 32)
Special treatment shampoo help to strengthen the hair shaft and preserves scalp equilibrium to limit the risk of hair thinning by regularizing and normalizing action. Enriched with Hydrolyzed Soy Protein and Natural Plant Extract.
Aurasis pH Balance Conditioner (Normal Price : RM 32)
pH Balance Conditioner maintains optimum moisture balance, instantly detangles and eliminates static without built up. Hair is radiant with increased body and manageability. It helps to prevent moisture loss on dehydrated hair while restoring resiliency and shine, leaving hair healthy and protecting against cuticle damage.
Aurasis Intensive Control Hair Tonic (Normal Price : RM 58)
Intensive Control Hair Tonic is an intensive booster designed to improve excessively thin-looking hair areas throughout the scalp and low density hairlines. Botanical extract improve blood circulation and energizes the scalp to relieve scalp tension
Aurasis Hair Loss & Anti Dandruff Shampoo (Normal Price : RM 32)
Aurasis pH Balance Conditioner (Normal Price : RM 32)
Aurasis pH Balance Conditioner 有效锁住并补充头发中的所需水份。它有助于消除静电及强
Aurasis Intensive Control Hair Tonic (Normal Price : RM 58)
Set 5 Aurasis Damage/Coloured Hair Therapy Set - RM70
Aurasis Hair Treatment Shampoo (Normal Price : RM 32)
Enriched with Aloe Vera Extract to penetrate, replenish, moisture and soften the hair. Specially formulated for coloured, permed & damaged hair
Aurasis pH Balance Conditioner (Normal Price : RM 32)
pH Balance Conditioner maintains optimum moisture balance, instantly detangles and eliminates static without built up. Hair is radiant with increased body and manageability. It helps to prevent moisture loss on dehydrated hair while restoring resiliency and shine, leaving hair healthy and protecting against cuticle damage.
Aurasis 30 Seconds Moisture Soft Masque (Normal Price : RM 42)
Specially formulated for dry and damaged hair, contain pro-vitamin B5 and Hydrolyzed Wheat Protein to penetrate into hair shaft, make hair elasticity and easy to comb. Provide extra moist and strength to hair, make hair look shine and smooth.
Aurasis Hair Treatment Shampoo (Normal Price : RM 32)
Aurasis pH Balance Conditioner (Normal Price : RM 32)
Aurasis pH Balance Conditioner 有效锁住并补充头发中的所需水份。它有助于消除静电及强
Aurasis 30 Seconds Moisture Soft Masque (Normal Price : RM 42)
RM42 - Aurasis 30 Seconds Moisture Soft Masque
Specially formulated for dry and damaged hair, contain pro-vitamin B5 and Hydrolyzed Wheat Protein to penetrate into hair shaft, make hair elasticity and easy to comb. Provide extra moist and strength to hair, make hair look shine and smooth.
Apply to wet hair and work into lather. Rinse and reapply if necessary
Deionized Water, Cetyl Alcohol, Cetearyl Alcohol, Cetrimonium Chloride, Glyceryl Stearate, Cyclomethicone, Dimethiconol, TEA Dodecylbenzenesulfonate, Behentrimonium Chloride, C12-15 Alkyl Benzoate, Glycerin, Hydrolyzed Wheat Protein, Fragrance, Panthenol, Polyquaternium 10, Methylchloroisothiazolinon
Size : 280 ml
RM32 - Aurasis Silk Revival Shampoo
Specially formulated for perm and dry hair, contain Hydrolyzed Wheat Protein to give nutrient to hair, make hair look healthier. Provitamin B5 help to replenish moisture, make hair shine, easy to comb and manageable
Apply to wet hair and work into lather. Rinse and reapply if necessary
Deionized Water, Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Cocamidopropyl Betaine, Cocamide DEA, Dimethiconol, TEA Dodecylbenzenesulfonate, PEG-7 Glyceryl Cocoate, Fragrance, Polyquaternium-10, Acrylates/C 10-30 Alkyl Acrylate Crosspolymer, Triethanolamide, Guar Hydroxpropyl Trimonium Chloride, Glycerin, Citric Acid, Hydrolyzed Wheat Protein, Panthenol, Methylchloroisothiazolinon
Size : 280 ml
Set 7 Aurasis Damage Hair Therapy Set - RM80
Aurasis Hair Treatment Shampoo (Normal Price : RM 32)
Enriched with Aloe Vera Extract to penetrate, replenish, moisture and soften the hair. Specially formulated for coloured, permed & damaged hair
Aurasis pH Balance Conditioner (Normal Price : RM 32)
pH Balance Conditioner maintains optimum moisture balance, instantly detangles and eliminates static without built up. Hair is radiant with increased body and manageability. It helps to prevent moisture loss on dehydrated hair while restoring resiliency and shine, leaving hair healthy and protecting against cuticle damage.
Aurasis Energy Treatment Cream (Normal Price : RM 42)
Aurasis Hair Treatment Shampoo (Normal Price : RM 32)
Aurasis pH Balance Conditioner (Normal Price : RM 32)
Aurasis pH Balance Conditioner 有效锁住并补充头发中的所需水份。它有助于消除静电及强
Aurasis Optimizer Treatment Cream
Aurasis Optimizer Treatment Cream是特别配制的最新护发配方以滋润干性及损坏的
Set 6 Aurasis Oily Hair Therapy Set - RM80
Aurasis Hair Loss & Anti Dandruff Shampoo (Normal Price : RM 32)
Special treatment shampoo help to strengthen the hair shaft and preserves scalp equilibrium to limit the risk of hair thinning by regularizing and normalizing action. Enriched with Hydrolyzed Soy Protein and Natural Plant Extract.
Aurasis pH Balance Conditioner (Normal Price : RM 32)
pH Balance Conditioner maintains optimum moisture balance, instantly detangles and eliminates static without built up. Hair is radiant with increased body and manageability. It helps to prevent moisture loss on dehydrated hair while restoring resiliency and shine, leaving hair healthy and protecting against cuticle damage.
Aurasis Cool Energy Treatment Cream (Normal Price : RM 58)
Aurasis Hair Loss & Anti Dandruff Shampoo (Normal Price : RM 32)
Aurasis pH Balance Conditioner (Normal Price : RM 32)
Aurasis pH Balance Conditioner 有效锁住并补充头发中的所需水份。它有助于消除静电及强
Aurasis Cool Energy Treatment Cream (Normal Price : RM 58)
Aurasis Cool Energy Treatment Cream内含全新蛋白与蚕丝精华组合,蘊含多种天然草
RM32 - Aurasis Hair Loss & Anti Dandruff Shampoo
Special treatment shampoo help to strengthen the hair shaft and preserves scalp equilibrium to limit the risk of hair thinning by regularizing and normalizing action. Enriched with Hydrolyzed Soy Protein and Natural Plant Extract.
Apply to wet hair and work into lather. Rinse and reapply if necessary
Deionized Water, Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Cocamidopropyl Betaine, Cocamide DEA, Sodium Cocoamphoacetate, Glycol Stearate, Fragrance, Carbomer, Guar Hydroxpropyl Trimonium Chloride, Yoghurt Extract, Hydrolyzed Soy Protein, Hydrolyzed Keratin, Nettle (Urtica dioica) Extract, Arnica (Arnica Montana) Extract, Sage (Salvia officinalis) Extract, Watercress (Nasturtium Officinale) Extract, Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) Extract, Triethanolamide, Panthenol, Methylchloroisothiazolinon
Size : 280 ml
RM32 - Aurasis Hair Treatment Shampoo
Enriched with Aloe Vera Extract to penetrate, replenish, moisture and soften the hair. Specially formulated for coloured, permed & damaged hair
Apply to wet hair and work into lather. Rinse and reapply if necessary
Deionized Water, Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Cocamidopropyl Betaine, Cocamide DEA, Dimethiconol, TEA Dodecylbenzenesulfonate, PEG-7 Glyceryl Cocoate, Fragrance, Polyquaternium-10, Acrylates/C 10-30 Alkyl Acrylate Crosspolymer, Triethanolamide, Guar Hydroxpropyl Trimonium Chloride, Glycerin, Citric Acid, Aloe Vera Extract, Panthenol, Methylchloroisothiazolinon
Size : 280 ml
RM32 - Aurasis pH Balance Conditioner
pH Balance Conditioner maintains optimum moisture balance, instantly detangles and eliminates static without built up. Hair is radiant with increased body and manageability. It helps to prevent moisture loss on dehydrated hair while restoring resiliency and shine, leaving hair healthy and protecting against cuticle damage.
Apply a generous amount to damp hair and leave for 1 minute. Rinse thoroughly.
Deionized Water, Cetrimoinium Chloride, Cetyl Alcohol, Cyclomenthicone, Cetearyl Alcohol, Amodimethicone, Glyceryl Stearate, Polyquaternium 11, Behentrimonium Chloride, Hydrolyzed Wheat Protein, Panthenol, Polyquaternium 10, Glycerin, Lactic Acid, Methylchloroisothiazolinon
Size : 280 ml
Aurasis pH Balance Conditioner 有效锁住并补充头发中的所需水份。它有助于消除静电及强
洗发后,将头发轻轻弄干,然后取出适量Aurasis pH Balance Conditioner,轻轻按摩头发,待数分钟后用水
et 1 Coloured Hair Therapy Set - RM70
Aurasis Hair Treatment Shampoo (Normal Price : RM 32)
Enriched with Aloe Vera Extract to penetrate, replenish, moisture and soften the hair. Specially formulated for coloured, permed & damaged hair
Aurasis pH Balance Conditioner (Normal Price : RM 32)
pH Balance Conditioner maintains optimum moisture balance, instantly detangles and eliminates static without built up. Hair is radiant with increased body and manageability. It helps to prevent moisture loss on dehydrated hair while restoring resiliency and shine, leaving hair healthy and protecting against cuticle damage.
Aurasis Energy Treatment Cream (Normal Price : RM 42)Set 1 Coloured Hair Therapy Set
RM32 - Aurasis Silk Revival Shampoo
Specially formulated for perm and dry hair, contain Hydrolyzed Wheat Protein to give nutrient to hair, make hair look healthier. Provitamin B5 help to replenish moisture, make hair shine, easy to comb and manageable
Apply to wet hair and work into lather. Rinse and reapply if necessary
Deionized Water, Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Cocamidopropyl Betaine, Cocamide DEA, Dimethiconol, TEA Dodecylbenzenesulfonate, PEG-7 Glyceryl Cocoate, Fragrance, Polyquaternium-10, Acrylates/C 10-30 Alkyl Acrylate Crosspolymer, Triethanolamide, Guar Hydroxpropyl Trimonium Chloride, Glycerin, Citric Acid, Hydrolyzed Wheat Protein, Panthenol, Methylchloroisothiazolinon
Size : 280 ml
Set 5 Aurasis Damage/Coloured Hair Therapy Set - RM70
Aurasis Hair Treatment Shampoo (Normal Price : RM 32)
Enriched with Aloe Vera Extract to penetrate, replenish, moisture and soften the hair. Specially formulated for coloured, permed & damaged hair
Aurasis pH Balance Conditioner (Normal Price : RM 32)
pH Balance Conditioner maintains optimum moisture balance, instantly detangles and eliminates static without built up. Hair is radiant with increased body and manageability. It helps to prevent moisture loss on dehydrated hair while restoring resiliency and shine, leaving hair healthy and protecting against cuticle damage.
Aurasis 30 Seconds Moisture Soft Masque (Normal Price : RM 42)
Specially formulated for dry and damaged hair, contain pro-vitamin B5 and Hydrolyzed Wheat Protein to penetrate into hair shaft, make hair elasticity and easy to comb. Provide extra moist and strength to hair, make hair look shine and smooth.
Aurasis Hair Treatment Shampoo (Normal Price : RM 32)
染发与烫发后专用洗发精,含芦荟及保湿因子,能滋润并有效改善化学性护理后损坏的头发, 迅速重建头发弹性与光泽,展现丝緞般柔顺与亮泽感。
Aurasis pH Balance Conditioner (Normal Price : RM 32)
Aurasis pH Balance Conditioner 有效锁住并补充头发中的所需水份。它有助于消除静电及强性补修效果,含毛发脂质复合体,修补干枯、受损的头发,能让秀发从内至外保持自然润泽而呈现出亮丽的弹性。
Aurasis 30 Seconds Moisture Soft Masque (Normal Price : RM 42)
发膜,是秀发的全面营养品,比护发素的基础护理功能更专业而有效。Aurasis 30 Seconds Moisture Soft Masque特别针对受损发质,修护发丝表面损伤并形成保护层,呈令秀发顺滑柔润,焕发健康光泽。
Indications ::Aurasis Hair Treatment Shampoo (Normal Price : RM 32)
Enriched with Aloe Vera Extract to penetrate, replenish, moisture and soften the hair. Specially formulated for coloured, permed & damaged hair
Aurasis pH Balance Conditioner (Normal Price : RM 32)
pH Balance Conditioner maintains optimum moisture balance, instantly detangles and eliminates static without built up. Hair is radiant with increased body and manageability. It helps to prevent moisture loss on dehydrated hair while restoring resiliency and shine, leaving hair healthy and protecting against cuticle damage.
Aurasis 30 Seconds Moisture Soft Masque (Normal Price : RM 42)
Specially formulated for dry and damaged hair, contain pro-vitamin B5 and Hydrolyzed Wheat Protein to penetrate into hair shaft, make hair elasticity and easy to comb. Provide extra moist and strength to hair, make hair look shine and smooth.
Aurasis Hair Treatment Shampoo (Normal Price : RM 32)
Aurasis pH Balance Conditioner (Normal Price : RM 32)
Aurasis pH Balance Conditioner 有效锁住并补充头发中的所需水份。它有助于消除静电及强
Aurasis 30 Seconds Moisture Soft Masque (Normal Price : RM 42)
Suitable for all skin types, especially sensitive skin and sun burn skin
Function ::
Best known for its moisturizing and healing properties, the Aloe Vera moisturizes and softens your skin while diminishing blemishes by penetrating into injured tissues and reducing inflammation
About Aloe Vera ::
Aloe vera gel is often thought as having one specific function: cooling and helping to heal sunburns. In fact, aloe is an amazing plant with a wide ability to aid in the healing process to protect, moisturize, and even extend life. It was used in ancient times for medical purposes, and its relevancy has not diminished today. aloe's usefulness continues to grow as scientists study its properties and possible applications.
Ingredients ::
Purified water, glycerin, butylene glycol, propylene glycol, aloe extract, carbomer, betaine, triethanolamine, methylparaben, witch hazel water, allantoin, sodium pca, polysorbate 80, disodium EDTA, natto gum, sodium chondroitin sulfat,dipotassium glycyrrhizate, tocopheryl acetate, hydroxyethyl cellulose, sodium hyaluronate, perfume
适合肌肤 ::
功效 ::
关于芦荟 ::
Indications ::
Suitable for all skin types, especially for dull and uneven skin tone
Function ::
Green tea extract and lemon extract contains premium concentrated of vitamin c. It helps to improve pigmentation and dull complexion. Antioxidant in this mask helps diminish fine lines, enhance elasticity and resist the free radical.
About Lemon and Green Tea ::
Lemon contains Vitamin C which is essential to human health and beauty. It has been touted in alternative medicine as a tonic for the digestive system, immune system and the skin. The lemon acid tightens up the enlarged and clogged pores, cleanse the oily and unclean skin. Green tea extract is 20 times more antioxidant powerful than vitamin C and provides superior protection from free radical damage. This defense against free radicals is especially important for sun protection. Studies have shown that a product containing at least 5 percent green tea extract may help prevent skin cancer when applied before exposure along with sunscreen.
Ingredients ::
Purified water, glycerin, butyleneglycol, propyleneglycol, morus alba extract, lemon extract., green tea extract, carbomer, betaine, triethanolamine, methylparaben, witch hazel water, allantoin, sodium pca, polysorbate 80, disodium EDTA, natto gum, sodium chondroitin sulfat, dipotassium glycyrrhizate, tocopheryl acetate, hydroxyethyl cellulose, sodium hyaluronate, perfume
适合肌肤 ::
功效 ::
关于柠檬和绿茶 ::
Indications ::
Suitable for all skin types, especially loose and dry skin
Function ::
MJ Care Caviar Essence Mask improves skin elasticity and visibly reduces wrinkles and lines with regular use.It deeply moisturize and smooth the skin, restore radiance and energize tired looking skin, and protect against free radical damage.
About Caviar ::
Caviar is the jewel of the sea which is the most luxury and vitality ocean gifts from the mother nature. It fulfills the desires of the skin cell. The precious caviar extract enrich with nourishing ingredients; it strengthens the skin cells and regeneration system, increase the energy synthesis as well as stimulates the metabolism of the skin cells which rendering a youthful and firmer appearance
Ingredients ::
Purified water,glycerin ,butylene glycol,propylene glycol, caviar extract, carbomer,betaine,shea butter, jojoba oil,triethanolamine,methyl
适合肌肤 ::
功效 ::
关于鱼子酱 ::
Indications ::
Suitable for all skin types, especially for sensitive and sun burn skin
Function ::
Contains of cucumber extract and witch hazel water which are well known for its soothing and calming properties. It enable to accelerate skin moisture, reduce redness and leaves skin feeling soft, refreshed and perfectly hydrated.
About Cucumber ::
Cucumber is used to cool and soothe irritated skin in people with sunburns. Along with being used externally as an effective beauty ointment due to its cooling properties, cucumber is generally attributed to cucurbitin and fatty oils present in its seeds which provide a soothing effect on the body when used topically. Cucumber thus acts a refreshing and a rejuvenating element which cools and soothes the entire body.
Ingredients ::
Purified water, glycerin, butylene glycol, propylene glycol, carbomer, betaine, triethanolamine, methylparaben, witch hazel water, allantoin, arbutin , sodium pca, polysorbate 80, disodium EDTA, natto gum, sodium chondroitin sulfat, dipotassium glycyrrhizate, tocopheryl acetate, hydroxyethyl cellulose, sodium hyaluronate, perfume
适合肌肤 ::
功效 ::
关于黄瓜 ::
Indications ::
Suitable for all skin types, especially for dehydrated, aging & loose skin
Function ::
Can stimulates collagen production and replenishes collagen in the skin. Additional, it can improve the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, restores the firmness, improve skin elastic and recaptures the youthful looking contours.
About Collagen ::
Collagen, which accounts up to 75% of skin tissue, plays an essential role in maintaining skin tone, suppleness and elasticity. It helps create that smooth, firm skin and natural healthy glow we all had when we were young. Unfortunately, the production of collagen declines at a rate of 1.5% yearly after age 25. Scientists have recently discovered that the gradual degradation of collagen in the skin results in visibly dry, dull, wrinkled, and sagging skin.
Ingredients ::
Purified water, glycerin, butylene glycol, propylene glycol, carbomer, betaine, shea butter, jojoba oil, triethanolamine, hydrolizedcollagen, methyl paraben, witch hazel water, allantoin, sodium pca, sorbitan stearate 60, polysorbate 60, disodium EDTA. prophyl paraben, natto gum, sodium chondroitin sulfate,dipotassium glycyrrhizate, tocopheryl acetate, hydroxyethyl cellulose, sodium hyaluronate, perfume
适合肌肤 ::
功效 ::
关于胶原蛋白 ::
Indications ::
Suitable for all skin, especially for pigmentation,dull and uneven skin tone.
Function ::
MJ Care Arbutin Essence Mask is effective in suppressing the formation of melanin. It reduces the appearance of freckles and improve uneven skin tone as well as give your skin an immediate radiant and moisturized appearance with elasticity.
About Arbutin ::
Arbutin is a natural skin lightening/whitening agent. It works by slowly releasing hydroquinone through hydrolysis, which in turn blocks Tyrosinase activity and reduces the skin’s melanin (pigmentation) production.
Ingredients ::
Purified water, glycerin, butylene glycol, propylene glycol, carbomer, betaine, triethanolamine, methyl paraben, witch hazel water, allantoin, arbutin, sodium pca, polysorbate 80, disodium EDTA, natto gum, sodium chondroitin sulfat, dipotassium glycyrrhizate, tocopheryl acetate, hydroxyethyl cellulose, sodium hyaluronate, perfume
适合肌肤 ::
功效 ::
关于熊果素 ::
Indications ::
Suitable for all skin, especially for aging,dull and uneven skin tone.
Function ::
The antioxidative qualities of acerola make it an ideal ingredient in MJ Care acerola essence mask to fight cellular aging and wrinkle. The high amount of Vitamin C in the extract effectively improves skin tone and skin texture while promote a glowing and youthful complexion.
About Acerola ::
Acerola naturally throughout the lower part of North America, including Texas and Mexico, and through parts of South America and the Caribbean. The fruit itself is said to have a unique blend of sweet and sour tastes much like other citrus fruits, such as the grapefruit and the orange. Acerola has very high levels of Vitamin C. One study showed that these berries have 32 times as much of the vitamin as do oranges.
Ingredients ::
Purified water, glycerin, butylene glycol, propylene glycol, acerola extract, carbomer, betaine,sharebutter, jojoba oil, triethanolamine, methylparaben, witch hazel water, allantoin, sodium pca, sorbitan stearate 60, polysorbate 60, disodium EDTA ,prophylparaben,natto gum, sodium chondroitin sulfat, dipotassium glycyrrhizate, hydroxyethyl cellulose, tocopheryl acetate, sodium hyaluronate, perfume
适合肌肤 ::
功效 ::
关于西印度櫻桃 ::
Indications ::
Suitable for all skin types, especially oily, acne and dull skin
Function ::
MJ Care Charcoal Essence Mask absorbs environmental toxins from deep inside the skin. It is effective in removing stubborn impurities & dead skin cells, absorbs excess oil and regulates oil production for a fresh, shine-free complexion. Simultaneously, it improves the appearance of acne, pores and affable the wound.
About Charcoal ::
Bamboo charcoal has countless small cavities. Compared with wood charcoal, bamboo charcoal has about four times more cavities, 3 times more mineral constituent and 4 times better absorption rate. In terms of surface area, bamboo charcoal's 300m2/gram is 10 ten times more than wood charcoal's 30m2/gram. Bamboo charcoal absorbs odors, can purify water, and has many health and beauty benefits for your skin. Most places that sell health and beauty items now offer products with active bamboo charcoal in the ingredients.
Ingredients ::
Purified water, glycerin, butylene glycol,propylene glycol,charcoal extract, carbomer, betaine, shea butter, jojoba oil,triethanolamin,methyl paraben,witch hazel water,allantoin,sodium pca,sorbitan stearate 60,polysorbate 60,disodium EDTA,prophyl paraben,natto gum,sodium chondroitin sulfat,dipotassium glycyrrhizate,hydroxyethyl
适合肌肤 ::
功效 ::
关于竹炭 ::
Indications ::
Suitable for all skin types, especially premature,aging and dull complexion skin
Function ::
This mask contains a natural epidermal growth factor (E.G.F) formula which is effective in increase the rate of skin renewal. It improving the skin's immunological defense and increase cell metabolism to achieve a wrinkle free, clear and radiant complexion.
About E.G.F ::
The discovery of EGF won Stanley Cohen a Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine in 1986. EGF is a growth factor that plays an important role in the regulation of cell growth, cell proliferation and differentiation. What matters to us is that application of EGF to the skin will accelerate healing and, when applied to aging skin it will increase the rate of skin renewal which just like endogenous EGF, decrease with age.
Ingredients ::
Purified water, glycerin, butylene glycol, propylene glycol, human oligopeptide-1, carbomer, betaine, shea butter, jojoba oil, triethanolamine, methylparaben, witch hazel water, allantoin ,sodium pca ,sorbitan stearate 60, polysorbate 60, disodium EDTA, prophylparaben, natto gum, sodium chondroitin sulfat ,dipotassium glycyrrhizate, hydroxyethyl cellulose, tocopheryl acetate, sodium hyaluronate, perfume
适合肌肤 ::
功效 ::
关于EGF ::
一九八六年美国科学家Stanley Cohen博士发现了EGF(epidermal growth factor )的存在,为细胞研究开辟了一个具有广泛重要性的新领域
Indications ::
Suitable for all skin types, especially sensitive and tired skin
Function ::
MJ Care Chlorella Essence Mask contains chlorella extract integrated formula to help nourishing the skin, calm sensitive skin and let the skin become more radiant and glossy.
About Chlorella ::
Chlorella is a genus of single-celled green algae, belonging to the phylum Chlorophyta. It is spherical in shape, about 2 to 10 μm in diameter, and is withoutflagella. Green micro-algae are rich in proteins, mainly in the amino acids that constitute the dermis fibres and the expressed specific proteins that produce antioxidant activity.
Ingredients ::
Purified water, glycerin, butylene glycol,propylene glycol, chlorella extract, carbomer, betaine, triethanolamine, methylparaben, witch hazel water, allantoin, sodium pca, polysorbate 80, disodium EDTA, natto gum, sodium chondroitin sulfat, dipotassium glycyrrhizate,hydroxyethyl
适合肌肤 ::
功效 ::
MJ Care小球藻面膜含有各种丰富的维他命,赐予肌肤生气
关于小球藻 ::
Indications ::
Suitable for all skin, especially for oily and acne skin
Function ::
MJ Care Herb Essence mask is formulated to assist the healing process, control excess oils, dry up pimples, control blackheads and whiteheads and eliminates impurities. It also work excellent in restores skin vitality, soothing and calming the skin.
About Wormwood ::
Wormwood is a native of the Mediterranean region. It is noted for its various health benefits. Ancient Greeks believed that wormwood is a natural antidote for hemlock, mushroom and sea dragon poison. The Bedouins used this leaves of wormwood to cure cold and coughs. Modern researches have discovered that the plant chemicals present in wormwood is packed with anti-parasitic, antiseptic, antipyretic and anti-diarrheic properties. Different parts of this plant, including leaves, fruits and flowering tops, are used for curing various ailments.
Ingredients ::
Purified water, glycerin, butylene glycol, propylene glycol, herb extract, carbomer, betaine, shea butter, jojoba oil, triethanolamine, methylparaben, witch hazel water, allantoin, sodium pca, sorbitan stearate 60, polysorbate 60, disodium EDTA, prophylparaben, natto gum, sodium chondroitin sulfat, dipotassium glycerizate, hydroxyethyl cellulose, tocoferil acetate, sodium hyluronate, perfume
适合肌肤 ::
功效 ::
MJ Care草本面膜具净化及抗菌效能,深层清洁毛孔污垢,
关于艾草 ::
Indications ::
Suitable for all skin types, especially sensitive and dry skin
Function ::
A rich, deeply moisturising and nourishing mask designed to instantly quench dry skin. It relieves sensibility, redness and restore measles skin as normal
About Jasmine ::
For centuries, jasmine is cultivated for its ornamental red, yellow or white flowers. You can find over 200 species of jasmine in different parts of the world. The jasmine plants thrive in the tropical and subtropical weather conditions. Jasmine flowers are noted not only for their beauty and for fragnance, but they also have medical properties. Jasmine Flowers are largely consumed in the form of tea. Oil extracted from jasmine flower are used for treating several illnesses.
Ingredients ::
Purified water, glycerin, butylene glycol, propylene glycol, jasmine extract, carbomer, betaine, shea butter, jojoba oil, triethanolamine, methylparaben, witch hazel water, allantoin, sodium pca, sorbitan stearate 60, polysorbate 60, disodium EDTA, prophyl paraben, natto gum, sodium chondroitin sulfat, dipotassium glycyrrhizate, hydroxyethyl cellulose, tocopheryl acetate, sodium hyaluronate, perfume
适合肌肤 ::
功效 ::
MJ Care 茉莉花精华面膜能够快速渗透肌肤深层,补水养颜,增强皮
关于茉莉花 ::
Indications ::
Suitable for all skin types, especially for dull & loose skin
Function ::
Pearl is used by the Chinese Emperors and Empresses to preserve youthful skin and anti wrinkle. MJ Care Pearl Essence Mask structured with plenty of tiny holes, it enhances absorption of nourishment, leaving skin moisturized. It enable the yellowish skin to posses a natural glossy appearance.
About Pearl ::
Pearl powder is a finely milled powder from quality freshwater pearls and its naturally compatible and easily absorbed by the skin and body. The medicinal and beauty benefits of pearls have long been known to the Chinese, proven non-toxic and harmless to ingest and apply topically to skin. It actually clears away toxic materials from the body. Amino acids contained in pearl powder include: Amino Acids, Aspartic Acid, Thronine, Isoleucine, Serine, Alanine, Phenylanine, Arginine, Methionine, Lysine, and Glutamic Acid, mucopolysaccharides, B-vitamins and a wide range of minerals including calcium, magnesium, zinc, iron, strontium, copper, selenium, strontium, silicon and titanium. Pearl contains calcium carbonate, magnesium carbonate, calcium phosphate, ferric oxide, silica. These essential building blocks of collagen and protein each have a specific function. Lacking any one of the key amino acids causes the skin to look dried, wane, depleted, old and wrinkled. Researchers claim that various components of pearl can stimulate the metabolism's activities of the genetic material in a cell - the DNA and RNA - thus promotes and accelerates the regeneration of new cells.
Ingredients ::
Purified water,glycerin,butylene glycol,propylene glycol, pearl extract, carbomer, betaine, triethanolamine, methylparaben, witch hazel water, allantoin, sodium pca, polysorbate 80, disodium EDTA, natto gum, sodium chondroitin sulfat, dipotassium glycyrrhizate, tocopheryl acetate, hydroxyethyl cellulose, sodium hyaluronate,perfume
Indications ::
Suitable for all skin types, especially dry, pigmentation, dull and loose skin
Function ::
Pomegranate contains ellagic acid that is extremely effective in increasing body’s own antioxidant glutathione. The antioxidants in pomegranate help prevent skin damage and wrinkle. It provides continuous moisturization and suppresses the formation of blemishes and dark spots, making skin look clear and radiant.
About Pomegranate ::
Pomegranates have been cultivated for over 5000 years and thought to be native to Iran. They are the fruit of a small, bushy tree and generally the size of an orange with over 500 juicy seed casings (arils) in each. Nutritionally pomegranates are an excellent source of vitamin C (one fruit has 40% of daily requirement), a good source of fiber, iron, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, potassium, with modest amounts of vitamins A, riboflavin, thiamine, niacin and folate. They are low in calories with a a sugar content of around 15%. They are extremely high in antioxidants, far higher than oranges, blueberries, cranberries, green tea and red wine and which fight the free radicals in our bodies. This is due to their content of polyphenols, a potent form of antioxidant. They are punicalagin, a hydrolyzable tannin, found only in pomegranates, which breaks down to ellagic acid a naturally occurring phenolic compound phytochemical and anthocyanins which give pomegranates their bright red color a well as adding to the high level of antioxidants.
Ingredients ::
Purified water, glycerin, butylene glycol, propylene glycol, pomegranate extract, carbomer, betaine, triethanolamine, methylparaben, witch hazel water, allantoin, sodium pca, polysorbate 80, disodium EDTA, natto gum, sodium chondroitin sulfat,dipotassium glycyrrhizate, hydroxyethyl cellulose, tocopheryl acetate, sodium hyaluronate, perfume
适合肌肤 ::
功效 ::
MJ Care 石榴精华面膜含有天然红石榴萃取精华,能恢复肌肤弹性,
关于石榴 ::
Indications ::
Suitable for all skin types, especially for dehydrated & aging skin
Function ::
MJ Care Royal Jelly Essence Mask can restore healthy skin and help visibly diminishes fine lines and wrinkles.The honey extracts could soften the skin and is excellent in helping to increase your skins moisture holding capacity. Additional, it helps to keep skin healthy looking and elastic.
About Royal Jelly ::
In ancient Egypt, Royal Jelly was entombed with the Pharaoh to keep him beautiful in the afterlife. This milky age defier, is a secretion of worker bees that is fit for a queen. In fact, it is the only food source for the queen bee. Rich in vitamins A, B, C, D, E and K, calcium, copper, iron, phosphorus, potassium, silicon and sulfur, 18 amino acids, protein, enzymes and nucleic acids (DNA and RNA), royal jelly may just be the fountain of youth that Ponce de Leon never found.
Ingredients ::
Purified water, glycerin, butylene glycol,propylene glycol,royal jelly extract, carbomer, betaine ,shea butter, jojoba oil, triethanolamine,methylpara
适合肌肤 ::
功效 ::
关于蜂王漿 ::
Indications ::
Suitable for all skin types
Function ::
Rice bran extracts, known to be powerful anti-oxidant help protect skin from UV rays and toxins. It is a brightening mask that improves skin tone with fairness. At the same time, it supplies skin with suppleness and soothes skin dehydration.
About Rice Bran ::
Rice Bran is a natural source for the following antioxidants: Tocopherols, Tocotrienols, Gamma Oryzanol, Phytosterols, Polyphenols and Squalene. Antioxidants of course help fight free radicals and aid in slowing down the effects of aging.
Ingredients ::
Purified water, glycerin, butylene glycol, propylene glycol, rice bran extract, carbomer, betaine, triethanolamine, methylparaben, witch hazel water, allantoin, sodium pca, polysorbate 80, disodium EDTA, natto gum, sodium chondroitin sulfat, dipotassium glycyrrhizate, tocopheryl acetate, hydroxyethyl cellulose, sodium hyaluronate, perfume
适合肌肤 ::
功效 ::
关于米糠 ::
Suitable for all skin types, especially loose skin
Function ::
Red Ginseng Essence Mask is excellent in anti-oxidation effect. It restores skin tone and suppleness so skin appears glossyand more radiant. Additional, it prevents cell damage from radiation and increases skin vitality.
About Red Ginseng ::
It has been long known that red ginseng has a range of bioactive attributes. It contains different ginsenosides, which are thought to have effective anti-aging and antioxidant characteristic.
According to a recent research, red ginseng can decrease facial wrinkles as well as “photoaged” skin. Photoaged is damage caused to the skin because of over exposure of sunlight. It has been found that Torilus Fructus and Corni Fructus, which is a component from extracted red ginseng, can reduce and rectify premature skin. It enhances collagen synthesis in human skin and thereby removes facial wrinkles.
Ingredients ::
Purified water, glycerin, butylene glycol, propylene glycol, red ginseng extract, carbomer, betaine, triethanolamine, methylparaben, witch hazel water, allantoin,sodium pca, polysorbate 80, disodium EDTA ,natto gum, sodium chondroitin sulfat, dipotassium glycyrrhizate, hydroxyethyl cellulose, tocopheryl acetate, sodium hyaluronate,perfume
适合肌肤 ::
功效 ::
关于人蔘 ::
Indications ::
Suitable for all skin types, especially dehydrated skin
Function ::
Seaweed mask nourishes, protects, and increases circulation making it vital to maintaining healthy skin. It able to enhance the epidermis nourishing effects, improve dryness and skin flaking phenomena
About Seaweed ::
Seaweed is packed with vitamins, minerals, trace elements, and amino acids that are essential in maintaining healthy and youthful skin. This natural marine wonder helps slow the aging skin process while protecting it from the harsh environmental elements in the air and water. Essential vitamins include: A1, B1, B2, B6, B12, C, E, K, pantothenic acid, folic acid, and niacin. As well as being rich with antioxidants such as beta-carotene and over 60 trace elements that include potassium, calcium, iodine, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, zinc and manganese, seaweed is a major source of B12. Selenium and ascorbic acid protects the skin from damaging free radicals. Organic Iodine found in seaweed increases metabolism. Seaweed also contains fatty acids to combat skin irritation and inflammation.
Ingredients ::
Purified water, glycerin, butylene glycol,propylene glycol, brown algae extract, carbomer, betaine, triethanolamine, methyl paraben, witch hazel water, allantoin, sodium pca, polysorbate 80, disodium EDTA, natto gum, sodium chondroitin sulfat, dipotassium glycyrrhizate, tocopheryl acetate, hydroxyethyl cellulose, sodium hyaluronate, perfume
适合肌肤 ::
功效 ::
MJ Care小球藻面膜含有各种丰富的维他命,赐予肌肤生气和活力,镇定敏感肌肤及提亮肌肤色泽。
关于小球藻 ::
Indications ::Suitable for all skin types, especially dehydrated skin
Function ::
Seaweed mask nourishes, protects, and increases circulation making it vital to maintaining healthy skin. It able to enhance the epidermis nourishing effects, improve dryness and skin flaking phenomena
About Seaweed ::
Seaweed is packed with vitamins, minerals, trace elements, and amino acids that are essential in maintaining healthy and youthful skin. This natural marine wonder helps slow the aging skin process while protecting it from the harsh environmental elements in the air and water. Essential vitamins include: A1, B1, B2, B6, B12, C, E, K, pantothenic acid, folic acid, and niacin. As well as being rich with antioxidants such as beta-carotene and over 60 trace elements that include potassium, calcium, iodine, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, zinc and manganese, seaweed is a major source of B12. Selenium and ascorbic acid protects the skin from damaging free radicals. Organic Iodine found in seaweed increases metabolism. Seaweed also contains fatty acids to combat skin irritation and inflammation.
Ingredients ::
Purified water, glycerin, butylene glycol,propylene glycol, brown algae extract, carbomer, betaine, triethanolamine, methyl paraben, witch hazel water, allantoin, sodium pca, polysorbate 80, disodium EDTA, natto gum, sodium chondroitin sulfat, dipotassium glycyrrhizate, tocopheryl acetate, hydroxyethyl cellulose, sodium hyaluronate, perfume
适合肌肤 ::
功效 ::
MJ Care小球藻面膜含有各种丰富的维他命,赐予肌肤生气
关于小球藻 ::
Suitable for all skin, especially for skin that having big pore problem
Function ::
This mask is made to boost up the skin immune system and provide moisturization. The rasberry contains a lot of vitamin c which acts as an antioxidant, fight free radicals, replenish and revitalize your skin.
About Raspberry ::
Red raspberries are bramble fruits belonging to family Rosaceae. The raspberry roots are perennial and forms erect stems, covered with fine prickles. Red raspberries are a very nutritious fruit: they not only have a great taste, but also a very high content in health-promoting phytonutrients such as ellagic acid and anthocyanins, as well as high quantities of antioxidants and dietary fiber.
Ingredients ::
Purified water, glycerin, butylene glycol, propylene glycol, rasberry extract, carbomer, betaine,shea butter, jojoba oil, triethanolamine, methylparaben, witch hazel water, allantoin, sodium pca, sorbitan stearate 60, polysorbate 60, disodium EDTA ,prophylparaben,natto gum, sodium chondroitin sulfat, dipotassium glycyrrhizate, hydroxyethyl cellulose, tocopheryl acetate, sodium hyaluronate, perfume
适合肌肤 ::
功效 ::
关于覆盆子 ::
覆盆子(学名:Rubus idaeus)是一种蔷薇科悬钩子属的木本植物,是一种
Indications ::
Suitable for all skin types, especially for dull skin
Function ::
Yellow Ocher is famous in deep cleasing of the skin because it contains negative ion. It also effective in the effect of anti-oxidant. Additional, this mask Works to help reduce dark/age spots and uneven skin tone. It is very suitable for OL and who always facing computer.
About Loess (Yellow Ocher) ::
Loess has the effect of anti-oxidant; reduce heat, metabolisms and relaxation. Loess can be found at 25 to 45 pei wei, the place whereby its loess is at the best temperature and best humidity. Korean pure ginseng is also grown in this loess that full of minerals. Loess has five colours; pure, green, black, white and yellow. Among these, pure loess is at the highest range and it is the best grade. Hence, loess contains the infrared and negative ion. Negative Ion can bring out the positive ion dirt from our skin and infrared can activate the skin, anti aging and brighten up your face.
Ingredients ::
Purified water, glycerin, butylene glycol, propylene glycol, loess extract, carbomer, betaine, shea butter, jojoba oil, triethanolamine, methylparaben, witch hazel water, allantoin, sodium pca, sorbitan stearate 60, polysorbate 60, disodium EDTA, prophyl paraben, natto gum, sodium chondroitin sulfat,dipotassium glycyrrhizate, tocopheryl acetate, hydroxyethyl cellulose, sodium hyaluronate, perfume
适合肌肤 ::
功效 ::
关于黄土 ::
RM42 - Aurasis 30 Seconds Moisture Soft Masque
Specially formulated for dry and damaged hair, contain pro-vitamin B5 and Hydrolyzed Wheat Protein to penetrate into hair shaft, make hair elasticity and easy to comb. Provide extra moist and strength to hair, make hair look shine and smooth.
Apply to wet hair and work into lather. Rinse and reapply if necessary
Deionized Water, Cetyl Alcohol, Cetearyl Alcohol, Cetrimonium Chloride, Glyceryl Stearate, Cyclomethicone, Dimethiconol, TEA Dodecylbenzenesulfonate, Behentrimonium Chloride, C12-15 Alkyl Benzoate, Glycerin, Hydrolyzed Wheat Protein, Fragrance, Panthenol, Polyquaternium 10, Methylchloroisothiazolinon
Size : 280 ml
RM42 - Aurasis Essential Leave in Spray
A light supreme hair protector that delivers moisture, nourishment and detangling benefits while protecting the hair during heat styling and from sun damage. The formula is enriched with Keratin, Silk Amino Acids that add the vital nourishment and moisture for hair to restore its stylish, silky smooth texture and brilliance
Ultimate blow-drying spray for damaged and straightened hair. Use on damp hair, spray section by section from lengths to ends.
Deionized water, Polyguaternium-39, PEG-40, Hydrogentenated Castor Oil, Panthenol, Dimenthicone Copolyol, Dimethicone, Fragnance, Tocopheryl Acetate, Benzophenone-4, Citric Acid, Methylchloroisothiazolinon
Size : 250 ml
RM35 - Aurasis Energy Treatment Cream
An intensive conditioning treatment with an active combination of silk, protein and keratin to nourish, strengthen and moisture hair. Silk smooth & pro-long lasting. Suitable for all hair types
After shampoo, towels dried and generously dispense cream evenly onto hair. Leave 10 minutes under hat steamer or wrap with hot towel. Maximizes feeling of relaxation while hair is straighten out with silk-smooth and long lasting results. Rinse throughly and style as usual
Methyl Paraben, Cetrimonium Chloride, Citric Acid, Polyquaternium-16, Fragrance, Mineral Oil, Deiomized Water, Dimethicone and Trideceth-5, Olive Oil, Polyquaternium-32, Cetyl Alcohol, Behentrimonium Chloride, Menthol, Isopropyl Myristate, Propylene Glycol Dicaprylate/Dicaprate, Methylchloroisothiazolinon
Size: 500ml
Aurasis Energy Treatment Cream内含全新蛋白与蚕丝精华组合,蘊含多种天然草
RM30 - Aurasis Crystal Repair Serum
This Ultra luxurious beauty fluid leaves your hair invigorated, silky soft, shinny and very strokeable! Excellent for necessary rehydration of bleached or chemically treated hair. Brilliant, deep moisturizing chemo-prophylactic and anti-bacterial properties condition your hair like you condition your skin. It improves hair condition by strengthen and restoring elasticity to dry, over styled or damaged hair creating incredible shine and manageability.
Shampoo hair and blow dry. Pump out a small amount of intensive serum in your hand, rub hands together and apply to hair. Brush it well. Use after perming or colouring.
Cyclomethicone, Dimethiconol, Phenyltrimethicone, Cyclopentasiloxane, Dimethiicone, C12-15 Alkyl Benzoate, Fragrance, Octyl Methoxycinnamate
Size : 120 ml
Aurasis Crystal Repair Serum拥有浓缩的精华液,能让你的头发丝绸般柔软,
吹干头发后,倒一些Crystal Repair Serum在手掌里,然后轻轻按摩使其渗透至发根,不需
RM58 - Aurasis Cool Energy Treatment Cream
Cool conditioning treatment. An intensive conditioning treatment with an active combination of silk, protein and keratin to nourish, strengthen and moisture hair. Hair has increased softness, added shine and is easier to comb. Suitable for all hair types
After shampoo, towels dried and generously dispense cream evenly onto hair. Leave 10 minutes under hat steamer or wrap with hot towel. Maximizes feeling of relaxation while hair is straighten out with silk-smooth and long lasting results. Rinse throughly and style as usual
Methyl Paraben, Cetrimonium Chloride, Citric Acid, Polyquaternium-16, Fragrance, Mineral Oil, Deiomized Water, Dimethicone and Trideceth-5, Olive Oil, Polyquaternium-32, Cetyl Alcohol, Behentrimonium Chloride, Menthol, Isopropyl Myristate, Propylene Glycol Dicaprylate/Dicaprate, Methylchloroisothiazolinon
Size : 500 ml
Aurasis Cool Energy Treatment Cream内含全新蛋白与蚕丝精华组合,蘊含多种天然草
RM38 - Aurasis Essential Oil
Essential oil is an exclusive dual-polymer technology that deeply penetrates porous hair ends and prevent new ones from forming. It ensures maximum protection and reconstruction from the cortex, locks in moisture, seals the cuticle and delivers smoothness to the hair. Hair is left shinny, strong and in a healthy manageable state.
Pump out a small amount of essential oil onto a palm of your hand. Gently apply and massage onto hair thoroughly the end.
Cyclomethicone, Dimethiconol, Phenyltrimethicone, Cyclopentasiloxane, Dimethiicone, C12-15 Alkyl Benzoate, Fragrance, Octyle Methoxycinnamate
Size : 120 ml
Aurasis Essential Oil运用新渗透技术,自内而外滋养发丝。它能修护头发
吹干头发后,倒一些Essential Oil在手掌里,然后轻轻按摩使其渗透至发根,不需冲洗
RM32 - Aurasis Hair Loss & Anti Dandruff Shampoo
Special treatment shampoo help to strengthen the hair shaft and preserves scalp equilibrium to limit the risk of hair thinning by regularizing and normalizing action. Enriched with Hydrolyzed Soy Protein and Natural Plant Extract.
Apply to wet hair and work into lather. Rinse and reapply if necessary
Deionized Water, Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Cocamidopropyl Betaine, Cocamide DEA, Sodium Cocoamphoacetate, Glycol Stearate, Fragrance, Carbomer, Guar Hydroxpropyl Trimonium Chloride, Yoghurt Extract, Hydrolyzed Soy Protein, Hydrolyzed Keratin, Nettle (Urtica dioica) Extract, Arnica (Arnica Montana) Extract, Sage (Salvia officinalis) Extract, Watercress (Nasturtium Officinale) Extract, Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) Extract, Triethanolamide, Panthenol, Methylchloroisothiazolinon
Size : 280 ml
RM32 - Aurasis Hair Treatment Shampoo
Enriched with Aloe Vera Extract to penetrate, replenish, moisture and soften the hair. Specially formulated for coloured, permed & damaged hair
Apply to wet hair and work into lather. Rinse and reapply if necessary
Deionized Water, Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Cocamidopropyl Betaine, Cocamide DEA, Dimethiconol, TEA Dodecylbenzenesulfonate, PEG-7 Glyceryl Cocoate, Fragrance, Polyquaternium-10, Acrylates/C 10-30 Alkyl Acrylate Crosspolymer, Triethanolamide, Guar Hydroxpropyl Trimonium Chloride, Glycerin, Citric Acid, Aloe Vera Extract, Panthenol, Methylchloroisothiazolinon
Size : 280 ml
RM100 - Aurasis Enriched Treatment Essence Ampoule
A unique long lasting treatment essence enriched with Phylderm Vegetal C. Its concentrate natural plant extract repair damaged and colored hair, forms a microfilm around each strand of hair, and replenish loosen moisture to the hair. Leave hair instantly soft, eliminates tangles and improve hair smoothness
After shampooing with cleansing shampoo, towel dried hair. Apply entire contents of 1 vial Treatment Essence ampoule onto your hair. Leave in for 3-5 minutes, rinse throughly with warm water. Style hair as desired.
Deionized water, ethanol, Sodium PCA, Hydroxyethyl Urea, PEG-40 Hydrogenated Castor Oil, Propylene Glycol, Gragrance, Green Tea Extract, Aloe Vera Extract, Allantoin, Panthenol, Menthol, Benzophenone-4, Tetrasodium EDTA, Methylchloroisothiazolinon
Size : 12 ampoules x 12 ml
RM58 - Aurasis Intensive Control Hair Tonic
Intensive Control Hair Tonic is an intensive booster designed to improve excessively thin-looking hair areas throughout the scalp and low density hairlines. Botanical extract improve blood circulation and energizes the scalp to relieve scalp tension
Cleanse hair with Aurasis Shampoo. Towel dry hair and scalp. Apply a generous amount of hair tonic onto scalp, massage gently for 2 minutes. Style as usual. Use twice a day
Deionized Water, Denatured Alcohol, Propylene Glycol, Ginseng Extract, Nettle Extract, Arnica Extract, Sage Extract, Watercress Extract, Rosemary Extract, PEG-40 Hydrogenated, Castor Oil, Henna Extract, Panthenol, Menthol, Dimethicone Copolyol, Fragrance, Benzyl Alcohol, Methylchloroisothiazolinon
Size : 100 ml
Set 2 Aurasis Dry Hair Therapy Set - RM70
Aurasis Silk Revival Shampoo (Normal Price : RM 32)
Specially formulated for perm and dry hair, contain Hydrolyzed Wheat Protein to give nutrient to hair, make hair look healthier. Provitamin B5 help to replenish moisture, make hair shine, easy to comb and manageable
Aurasis pH Balance Conditioner (Normal Price : RM 32)
pH Balance Conditioner maintains optimum moisture balance, instantly detangles and eliminates static without built up. Hair is radiant with increased body and manageability. It helps to prevent moisture loss on dehydrated hair while restoring resiliency and shine, leaving hair healthy and protecting against cuticle damage.
Aurasis Essential Leave In Spray (Normal Price : RM 42)
A light supreme hair protector that delivers moisture, nourishment and detangling benefits while protecting the hair during heat styling and from sun damage. The formula is enriched with Keratin, Silk Amino Acids that add the vital nourishment and moisture for hair to restore its stylish, silky smooth texture and brilliance
Aurasis Silk Revival Shampoo (Normal Price : RM 32)
Aurasis pH Balance Conditioner (Normal Price : RM 32)
Aurasis pH Balance Conditioner 有效锁住并补充头发中的所需水份。它有助于消除静电及强
Aurasis Essential Leave In Spray (Normal Price : RM 42)
Set 1 Coloured Hair Therapy Set - RM70
Aurasis Hair Treatment Shampoo (Normal Price : RM 32)
Enriched with Aloe Vera Extract to penetrate, replenish, moisture and soften the hair. Specially formulated for coloured, permed & damaged hair
Aurasis pH Balance Conditioner (Normal Price : RM 32)
pH Balance Conditioner maintains optimum moisture balance, instantly detangles and eliminates static without built up. Hair is radiant with increased body and manageability. It helps to prevent moisture loss on dehydrated hair while restoring resiliency and shine, leaving hair healthy and protecting against cuticle damage.
Aurasis Energy Treatment Cream (Normal Price : RM 42)Set 1 Coloured Hair Therapy Set
RM32 - Aurasis pH Balance Conditioner
pH Balance Conditioner maintains optimum moisture balance, instantly detangles and eliminates static without built up. Hair is radiant with increased body and manageability. It helps to prevent moisture loss on dehydrated hair while restoring resiliency and shine, leaving hair healthy and protecting against cuticle damage.
Apply a generous amount to damp hair and leave for 1 minute. Rinse thoroughly.
Deionized Water, Cetrimoinium Chloride, Cetyl Alcohol, Cyclomenthicone, Cetearyl Alcohol, Amodimethicone, Glyceryl Stearate, Polyquaternium 11, Behentrimonium Chloride, Hydrolyzed Wheat Protein, Panthenol, Polyquaternium 10, Glycerin, Lactic Acid, Methylchloroisothiazolinon
Size : 280 ml
Aurasis pH Balance Conditioner 有效锁住并补充头发中的所需水份。它有助于消除静电及强
洗发后,将头发轻轻弄干,然后取出适量Aurasis pH Balance Conditioner,轻轻按摩头发,待数分钟后用水
RM65 - Aurasis Optimizer Treatment Cream
Aurasis Optimizer Treatment is specially formulated with the latest hair treatment technology moisturizes dry and overstressed hair. Enriched with hydrolyzed soy protein & hydrogenated jojoba oil to create soft & beautiful hair with sufficient nutrition to your hair. Leave hair instantly soft, eliminates tangles, improve hair smoothness and shine.
After shampoo, towels dried and generously dispense cream evenly onto hair. Leave 10 minutes under hat steamer or wrap with hot towel. Maximizes feeling of relaxation while hair is straighten out with silk-smooth and long lasting results. Rinse throughly and style as usual
Deionized Water, Cetyl Alcohol, Cetearyl Alcohol, Cyclomethicone, Cetrimonium Chloride, Behentrimonium Chloride, Isopropyl Palmitate, Amodimethicone, Fragrance, Hydrolyzed Soy Protein, Hydrogenated Jojoba Oil, Panthenol, Methylchloroisothiazolinon
Size : 500 ml
Aurasis Optimizer Treatment Cream是特别配制的最新护发配方以滋润干性及损坏的
Set 3 Aurasis Split Ends Therapy Set - RM70
Aurasis Hair Treatment Shampoo (Normal Price : RM 32)
Enriched with Aloe Vera Extract to penetrate, replenish, moisture and soften the hair. Specially formulated for coloured, permed & damaged hair
Aurasis pH Balance Conditioner (Normal Price : RM 32)
pH Balance Conditioner maintains optimum moisture balance, instantly detangles and eliminates static without built up. Hair is radiant with increased body and manageability. It helps to prevent moisture loss on dehydrated hair while restoring resiliency and shine, leaving hair healthy and protecting against cuticle damage.
Aurasis Essential Oil (Normal Price : RM 38)
Essential oil is an exclusive dual-polymer technology that deeply penetrates porous hair ends and prevent new ones from forming. It ensures maximum protection and reconstruction from the cortex, locks in moisture, seals the cuticle and delivers smoothness to the hair. Hair is left shinny, strong and in a healthy manageable state.
Aurasis Hair Treatment Shampoo (Normal Price : RM 32)
Aurasis pH Balance Conditioner (Normal Price : RM 32)
Aurasis pH Balance Conditioner 有效锁住并补充头发中的所需水份。它有助于消除静电及强
Aurasis Essential Oil (Normal Price : RM 38)
Aurasis Essential Oil运用新渗透技术,自内而外滋养发丝。它能修护头发
Set 4 Aurasis Oily Hair Therapy Set - RM70
Aurasis Hair Loss & Anti Dandruff Shampoo (Normal Price : RM 32)
Special treatment shampoo help to strengthen the hair shaft and preserves scalp equilibrium to limit the risk of hair thinning by regularizing and normalizing action. Enriched with Hydrolyzed Soy Protein and Natural Plant Extract.
Aurasis pH Balance Conditioner (Normal Price : RM 32)
pH Balance Conditioner maintains optimum moisture balance, instantly detangles and eliminates static without built up. Hair is radiant with increased body and manageability. It helps to prevent moisture loss on dehydrated hair while restoring resiliency and shine, leaving hair healthy and protecting against cuticle damage.
Aurasis Intensive Control Hair Tonic (Normal Price : RM 58)
Intensive Control Hair Tonic is an intensive booster designed to improve excessively thin-looking hair areas throughout the scalp and low density hairlines. Botanical extract improve blood circulation and energizes the scalp to relieve scalp tension
Aurasis Hair Loss & Anti Dandruff Shampoo (Normal Price : RM 32)
Aurasis pH Balance Conditioner (Normal Price : RM 32)
Aurasis pH Balance Conditioner 有效锁住并补充头发中的所需水份。它有助于消除静电及强
Aurasis Intensive Control Hair Tonic (Normal Price : RM 58)
Set 5 Aurasis Damage/Coloured Hair Therapy Set - RM70
Aurasis Hair Treatment Shampoo (Normal Price : RM 32)
Enriched with Aloe Vera Extract to penetrate, replenish, moisture and soften the hair. Specially formulated for coloured, permed & damaged hair
Aurasis pH Balance Conditioner (Normal Price : RM 32)
pH Balance Conditioner maintains optimum moisture balance, instantly detangles and eliminates static without built up. Hair is radiant with increased body and manageability. It helps to prevent moisture loss on dehydrated hair while restoring resiliency and shine, leaving hair healthy and protecting against cuticle damage.
Aurasis 30 Seconds Moisture Soft Masque (Normal Price : RM 42)
Specially formulated for dry and damaged hair, contain pro-vitamin B5 and Hydrolyzed Wheat Protein to penetrate into hair shaft, make hair elasticity and easy to comb. Provide extra moist and strength to hair, make hair look shine and smooth.
Aurasis Hair Treatment Shampoo (Normal Price : RM 32)
Aurasis pH Balance Conditioner (Normal Price : RM 32)
Aurasis pH Balance Conditioner 有效锁住并补充头发中的所需水份。它有助于消除静电及强
Aurasis 30 Seconds Moisture Soft Masque (Normal Price : RM 42)
RM42 - Aurasis 30 Seconds Moisture Soft Masque
Specially formulated for dry and damaged hair, contain pro-vitamin B5 and Hydrolyzed Wheat Protein to penetrate into hair shaft, make hair elasticity and easy to comb. Provide extra moist and strength to hair, make hair look shine and smooth.
Apply to wet hair and work into lather. Rinse and reapply if necessary
Deionized Water, Cetyl Alcohol, Cetearyl Alcohol, Cetrimonium Chloride, Glyceryl Stearate, Cyclomethicone, Dimethiconol, TEA Dodecylbenzenesulfonate, Behentrimonium Chloride, C12-15 Alkyl Benzoate, Glycerin, Hydrolyzed Wheat Protein, Fragrance, Panthenol, Polyquaternium 10, Methylchloroisothiazolinon
Size : 280 ml
RM32 - Aurasis Silk Revival Shampoo
Specially formulated for perm and dry hair, contain Hydrolyzed Wheat Protein to give nutrient to hair, make hair look healthier. Provitamin B5 help to replenish moisture, make hair shine, easy to comb and manageable
Apply to wet hair and work into lather. Rinse and reapply if necessary
Deionized Water, Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Cocamidopropyl Betaine, Cocamide DEA, Dimethiconol, TEA Dodecylbenzenesulfonate, PEG-7 Glyceryl Cocoate, Fragrance, Polyquaternium-10, Acrylates/C 10-30 Alkyl Acrylate Crosspolymer, Triethanolamide, Guar Hydroxpropyl Trimonium Chloride, Glycerin, Citric Acid, Hydrolyzed Wheat Protein, Panthenol, Methylchloroisothiazolinon
Size : 280 ml
Set 7 Aurasis Damage Hair Therapy Set - RM80
Aurasis Hair Treatment Shampoo (Normal Price : RM 32)
Enriched with Aloe Vera Extract to penetrate, replenish, moisture and soften the hair. Specially formulated for coloured, permed & damaged hair
Aurasis pH Balance Conditioner (Normal Price : RM 32)
pH Balance Conditioner maintains optimum moisture balance, instantly detangles and eliminates static without built up. Hair is radiant with increased body and manageability. It helps to prevent moisture loss on dehydrated hair while restoring resiliency and shine, leaving hair healthy and protecting against cuticle damage.
Aurasis Energy Treatment Cream (Normal Price : RM 42)
Aurasis Hair Treatment Shampoo (Normal Price : RM 32)
Aurasis pH Balance Conditioner (Normal Price : RM 32)
Aurasis pH Balance Conditioner 有效锁住并补充头发中的所需水份。它有助于消除静电及强
Aurasis Optimizer Treatment Cream
Aurasis Optimizer Treatment Cream是特别配制的最新护发配方以滋润干性及损坏的
Set 6 Aurasis Oily Hair Therapy Set - RM80
Aurasis Hair Loss & Anti Dandruff Shampoo (Normal Price : RM 32)
Special treatment shampoo help to strengthen the hair shaft and preserves scalp equilibrium to limit the risk of hair thinning by regularizing and normalizing action. Enriched with Hydrolyzed Soy Protein and Natural Plant Extract.
Aurasis pH Balance Conditioner (Normal Price : RM 32)
pH Balance Conditioner maintains optimum moisture balance, instantly detangles and eliminates static without built up. Hair is radiant with increased body and manageability. It helps to prevent moisture loss on dehydrated hair while restoring resiliency and shine, leaving hair healthy and protecting against cuticle damage.
Aurasis Cool Energy Treatment Cream (Normal Price : RM 58)
Aurasis Hair Loss & Anti Dandruff Shampoo (Normal Price : RM 32)
Aurasis pH Balance Conditioner (Normal Price : RM 32)
Aurasis pH Balance Conditioner 有效锁住并补充头发中的所需水份。它有助于消除静电及强
Aurasis Cool Energy Treatment Cream (Normal Price : RM 58)
Aurasis Cool Energy Treatment Cream内含全新蛋白与蚕丝精华组合,蘊含多种天然草
RM32 - Aurasis Hair Loss & Anti Dandruff Shampoo
Special treatment shampoo help to strengthen the hair shaft and preserves scalp equilibrium to limit the risk of hair thinning by regularizing and normalizing action. Enriched with Hydrolyzed Soy Protein and Natural Plant Extract.
Apply to wet hair and work into lather. Rinse and reapply if necessary
Deionized Water, Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Cocamidopropyl Betaine, Cocamide DEA, Sodium Cocoamphoacetate, Glycol Stearate, Fragrance, Carbomer, Guar Hydroxpropyl Trimonium Chloride, Yoghurt Extract, Hydrolyzed Soy Protein, Hydrolyzed Keratin, Nettle (Urtica dioica) Extract, Arnica (Arnica Montana) Extract, Sage (Salvia officinalis) Extract, Watercress (Nasturtium Officinale) Extract, Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) Extract, Triethanolamide, Panthenol, Methylchloroisothiazolinon
Size : 280 ml
RM32 - Aurasis Hair Treatment Shampoo
Enriched with Aloe Vera Extract to penetrate, replenish, moisture and soften the hair. Specially formulated for coloured, permed & damaged hair
Apply to wet hair and work into lather. Rinse and reapply if necessary
Deionized Water, Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Cocamidopropyl Betaine, Cocamide DEA, Dimethiconol, TEA Dodecylbenzenesulfonate, PEG-7 Glyceryl Cocoate, Fragrance, Polyquaternium-10, Acrylates/C 10-30 Alkyl Acrylate Crosspolymer, Triethanolamide, Guar Hydroxpropyl Trimonium Chloride, Glycerin, Citric Acid, Aloe Vera Extract, Panthenol, Methylchloroisothiazolinon
Size : 280 ml
RM32 - Aurasis pH Balance Conditioner
pH Balance Conditioner maintains optimum moisture balance, instantly detangles and eliminates static without built up. Hair is radiant with increased body and manageability. It helps to prevent moisture loss on dehydrated hair while restoring resiliency and shine, leaving hair healthy and protecting against cuticle damage.
Apply a generous amount to damp hair and leave for 1 minute. Rinse thoroughly.
Deionized Water, Cetrimoinium Chloride, Cetyl Alcohol, Cyclomenthicone, Cetearyl Alcohol, Amodimethicone, Glyceryl Stearate, Polyquaternium 11, Behentrimonium Chloride, Hydrolyzed Wheat Protein, Panthenol, Polyquaternium 10, Glycerin, Lactic Acid, Methylchloroisothiazolinon
Size : 280 ml
Aurasis pH Balance Conditioner 有效锁住并补充头发中的所需水份。它有助于消除静电及强
洗发后,将头发轻轻弄干,然后取出适量Aurasis pH Balance Conditioner,轻轻按摩头发,待数分钟后用水
Set 1 Coloured Hair Therapy Set - RM70
Aurasis Hair Treatment Shampoo (Normal Price : RM 32)
Enriched with Aloe Vera Extract to penetrate, replenish, moisture and soften the hair. Specially formulated for coloured, permed & damaged hair
Aurasis pH Balance Conditioner (Normal Price : RM 32)
pH Balance Conditioner maintains optimum moisture balance, instantly detangles and eliminates static without built up. Hair is radiant with increased body and manageability. It helps to prevent moisture loss on dehydrated hair while restoring resiliency and shine, leaving hair healthy and protecting against cuticle damage.
Aurasis Energy Treatment Cream (Normal Price : RM 42)Set 1 Coloured Hair Therapy Set
RM32 - Aurasis Silk Revival Shampoo
Specially formulated for perm and dry hair, contain Hydrolyzed Wheat Protein to give nutrient to hair, make hair look healthier. Provitamin B5 help to replenish moisture, make hair shine, easy to comb and manageable
Apply to wet hair and work into lather. Rinse and reapply if necessary
Deionized Water, Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Cocamidopropyl Betaine, Cocamide DEA, Dimethiconol, TEA Dodecylbenzenesulfonate, PEG-7 Glyceryl Cocoate, Fragrance, Polyquaternium-10, Acrylates/C 10-30 Alkyl Acrylate Crosspolymer, Triethanolamide, Guar Hydroxpropyl Trimonium Chloride, Glycerin, Citric Acid, Hydrolyzed Wheat Protein, Panthenol, Methylchloroisothiazolinon
Size : 280 ml
Set 5 Aurasis Damage/Coloured Hair Therapy Set - RM70
Aurasis Hair Treatment Shampoo (Normal Price : RM 32)
Enriched with Aloe Vera Extract to penetrate, replenish, moisture and soften the hair. Specially formulated for coloured, permed & damaged hair
Aurasis pH Balance Conditioner (Normal Price : RM 32)
pH Balance Conditioner maintains optimum moisture balance, instantly detangles and eliminates static without built up. Hair is radiant with increased body and manageability. It helps to prevent moisture loss on dehydrated hair while restoring resiliency and shine, leaving hair healthy and protecting against cuticle damage.
Aurasis 30 Seconds Moisture Soft Masque (Normal Price : RM 42)
Specially formulated for dry and damaged hair, contain pro-vitamin B5 and Hydrolyzed Wheat Protein to penetrate into hair shaft, make hair elasticity and easy to comb. Provide extra moist and strength to hair, make hair look shine and smooth.
Aurasis Hair Treatment Shampoo (Normal Price : RM 32)
染发与烫发后专用洗发精,含芦荟及保湿因子,能滋润并有效改善化学性护理后损坏的头发, 迅速重建头发弹性与光泽,展现丝緞般柔顺与亮泽感。
Aurasis pH Balance Conditioner (Normal Price : RM 32)
Aurasis pH Balance Conditioner 有效锁住并补充头发中的所需水份。它有助于消除静电及强性补修效果,含毛发脂质复合体,修补干枯、受损的头发,能让秀发从内至外保持自然润泽而呈现出亮丽的弹性。
Aurasis 30 Seconds Moisture Soft Masque (Normal Price : RM 42)
发膜,是秀发的全面营养品,比护发素的基础护理功能更专业而有效。Aurasis 30 Seconds Moisture Soft Masque特别针对受损发质,修护发丝表面损伤并形成保护层,呈令秀发顺滑柔润,焕发健康光泽。
Aurasis Hair Treatment Shampoo (Normal Price : RM 32)
Enriched with Aloe Vera Extract to penetrate, replenish, moisture and soften the hair. Specially formulated for coloured, permed & damaged hair
Aurasis pH Balance Conditioner (Normal Price : RM 32)
pH Balance Conditioner maintains optimum moisture balance, instantly detangles and eliminates static without built up. Hair is radiant with increased body and manageability. It helps to prevent moisture loss on dehydrated hair while restoring resiliency and shine, leaving hair healthy and protecting against cuticle damage.
Aurasis 30 Seconds Moisture Soft Masque (Normal Price : RM 42)
Specially formulated for dry and damaged hair, contain pro-vitamin B5 and Hydrolyzed Wheat Protein to penetrate into hair shaft, make hair elasticity and easy to comb. Provide extra moist and strength to hair, make hair look shine and smooth.
Aurasis Hair Treatment Shampoo (Normal Price : RM 32)
Aurasis pH Balance Conditioner (Normal Price : RM 32)
Aurasis pH Balance Conditioner 有效锁住并补充头发中的所需水份。它有助于消除静电及强
Aurasis 30 Seconds Moisture Soft Masque (Normal Price : RM 42)
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