➀ Delivery Method : (POSLAJU our choice)
❦ West Malaysia RM9
❦ East Malaysia RM7
❦ Sibu (Meet . face to face) RM3/RM5
➀ 寄貨方式: (只用POSLAJU)
❦ 西馬 RM9
❦ 東馬 RM7
❦ 詩巫 (面交) RM3/RM5
➁ For Sibu's Customers: (Location and Time)
❧ Monday
➥ Owner's home ⇨ RM0 ⇨ You can choose the time, AS LONG AS SOMEONE AT HOME.
➥ Owner's tuition centre ⇨ RM0 ⇨ 6:30p.m -- 6:45p.m
❧ Tuseday
➥ Delta Mall ⇨ RM3 ⇨ 3:45p.m -- 4:45p.m
➥ Delta Mall ⇨ RM3 ⇨ 7:00p.m -- 7:30p.m
❧ Wednesday
➥ Delta Mall ⇨ RM3 ⇨ 6:30p.m -- 6:45p.m
❧ Thursday
➥ Owner's home ⇨ RM0 ⇨ You can choose the time, AS LONG AS SOMEONE AT HOME.
➥ Owner's tuition centre ⇨ RM0 ⇨ 2:00p.m -- 2:15p.m
➥ Delta Mall ⇨ RM3 ⇨ 7:00p.m -- 7:30p.m
❧ Friday
➥ Owner's home ⇨ RM0 ⇨ You can choose the time, AS LONG AS SOMEONE AT HOME.
➥ Delta Mall / Everwin ⇨ RM3 ⇨ 7:00p.m -- 9:00p.m
❧ Saturday
➥ Owner's home ⇨ RM0 ⇨ You can choose the time, AS LONG AS SOMEONE AT HOME.
➥ Delta Mall / Everwin ⇨RM3 ⇨ 1:00p.m -- 9:00p.m
❧ Sunday
➥ Owner's home ⇨ RM0 ⇨ You can choose the time, AS LONG AS SOMEONE AT HOME.
➥ Delta Mall / Everwin ⇨RM3 ⇨ 1:00p.m -- 9:00p.m
❀ Dear Customers, please take a note that you can set additional time to meet with me. However, all the time and place must be notified two days ago. Anyone who inform us lately, no matter the time and place you choose, you will be charged RM5.
❀ We provide home delivery service. RM5.
➁ 給詩巫面交的客戶們: (地點、時間)
❧ 星期一
➥ 店主家 ⇨ RM0 ⇨ 你可以選擇時間,只要店主家有人。
➥ 店主的補習 ⇨ RM0 ⇨ 6:30p.m -- 6:45p.m
❧ 星期二
➥ Delta Mall ⇨ RM3 ⇨ 3:45p.m -- 4:45p.m
➥ Delta Mall ⇨ RM3 ⇨ 7:00p.m -- 7:30p.m
❧ 星期三
➥ Delta Mall ⇨ RM3 ⇨ 6:30p.m -- 6:45p.m
❧ 星期四
➥ 店主家 ⇨ RM0 ⇨ 你可以選擇時間,只要店主家裡有人。
➥ 店主的補習 ⇨ RM0 ⇨ 2:00p.m -- 2:15p.m
➥ Delta Mall ⇨ RM3 ⇨ 7:00p.m -- 7:30p.m
❧ 星期五
➥ 店主家 ⇨ RM0 ⇨ 你可以選擇時間,只要店主家裡有人。
➥ Delta Mall / Everwin ⇨ RM3 ⇨ 7:00p.m -- 9:00p.m
❧ 星期六
➥ 店主家 ⇨ RM0 ⇨ 你可以選擇時間,只要店主家裡有人。
➥ Delta Mall / Everwin ⇨RM3 ⇨ 1:00p.m -- 9:00p.m
❧ Sunday
➥ 店主家 ⇨ RM0 ⇨ 你可以選擇時間,只要店主家裡有人。
➥ Delta Mall / Everwin ⇨RM3 ⇨ 1:00p.m -- 9:00p.m
❀ 親愛的客戶們,你們可以另外與我預定時間、地點。但是不管如何,所有的時間、地點必須在兩天前通知我們。如果你們在前一天才通知我,不管時間、地點,你們必須還RM5的面交費。
❀ 我們有提供送貨上門的服務哦。
➂ After the remittance had done, refund is not available.
➟ Owner is not so leisure, so customers please think twice before remittance.
➟ We will refund if and only if your order are OUT OF STOCK.
➂ 一旦款項進入我的戶口,不得退款。
➟ 店主不是那麼的閒空,所以請客戶們在匯款前三思而後行。
➟ 特別情況:缺貨/斷貨。此等狀況我們才會退款。
➃ Once the goods sent, not to be any reason for return.
➟ If goods are damaged in transit, I will not pay any duty, the stocks will be checked clearly before we sent it out.
➟ Do not used the reason such as: shoddy version, the wrong color is not same from what i saw to request refund or replacement.
➃ 一旦貨物寄出,不得以任何無理理由要求退貨。
➟ 假設貨物在運輸過程中損壞,我們不會負起任何責任,在發貨前,我們會檢查清楚才寄出。
➟ 請不要以:货不对版,颜色不对等無理原因要求退款或换货。
➄ Format of our order form:
➟ http://beautysecretjust4u.blogspot.com/p/order-lists.html
➄ 下單:
➟ http://beautysecretjust4u.blogspot.com/p/order-lists.html
➅ Payment Confirmation:
➟ http://beautysecretjust4u.blogspot.com/p/payment-confirm.html
➅ 匯款確認:
➟ http://beautysecretjust4u.blogspot.com/p/payment-confirm.html
➆ About Ready Stocks:
➟ Customer who bank in first, we will give the stock to that customer first.
➟ We can't control the flows of stock
➆ 關於現貨:
➟ 哪位顧客先匯款,現貨就是他的啦。>.<"
➟ 先匯款先得。
➟ 我們不能控制現貨的流動量,所以行動要快啦。
➇ About Our Black Listed:
➟ Please note, customers in sibu should inform the face to face time with owner within a week. Customer's goods should been taken away within two weeks, if didn't, we will sell out your goods(unless you have done your payment). If this happens, the client will be blacklisted, and if the client hope to consume with us, client should be bank in the money before face to face and also be charged RM10. After you take your goods, we'll return the RM10 for you again.
➇ 黑名單:
➟ 請注意,詩巫的客戶需要在到貨的一個星期內通知店主面交時間。而客戶的貨物必須在兩個星期內取走。否則,店主將會把它當成現貨賣掉。除非你事先匯款。如果你沒匯款,你講會被列為黑名單。而後來假設該客戶還想在我們這裡消費,我們將會要求該客戶現行匯款,並且在面交前必須多付RM10當作定金。等你拿回你的貨物,我們將會怕RM10退還給你。
➈ I hope customers can give us 100% of cooperation, the reasons for co-owners not only for owner's convenience. If I can do my work easily, is that i can work faster? Once I work faster, customers can also received ur order quickly is it? SO, NO MATTER HOW.. WE HOPE OUR CUSTOMERS CAN COOPERATE WITH ME. Thank You.
➈ 本店主希望客戶們能給予我們一百巴仙的合作。我們要求你們的合作並不只是為了我們的方便。試問,若店主做事方便,交單快,你是否也可以更快收到您的包裹呢?無論如何,我們希望客戶能與我們合作。謝謝。